The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show
Welcome to "The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show," a podcast series dedicated to exploring comprehensive and integrative approaches to cancer treatment and chronic diseases.
Our journey delves into the world of holistic health, examining how it complements traditional medicine in the fight against cancer.
In each episode, we'll be discussing various aspects of holistic care, including nutrition, mental health, alternative therapies, and lifestyle changes, with a focus on how these elements collectively support the body, mind, and spirit during cancer treatment and beyond. We will feature expert guests - oncologists, naturopaths, nutritionists, psychologists, and survivors, all sharing their insights and experiences.
Whether you're a patient, a caregiver, or someone interested in holistic health, this series offers valuable perspectives and practical advice to empower and inspire you on your journey.
Visit our Podcast Page: https://www.beljanski.org/podcast/
The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show
Episode 24 - Why COVID Protocols Are Failing Us: Dr. Bryan Ardis Speaks Out
In this must-watch episode of The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show, we are joined by the esteemed Dr. Ardis, a retired chiropractor, acupuncturist, and nutritionist, who is shaking the medical world with his upcoming book, 'Moving Beyond the COVID-19 Lies: Restoring Health and Hope for Humanity.'
Dr. Ardis unveils groundbreaking insights on his transition from cancer treatment to addressing the COVID-19 crisis, revealing the alarming truths about hospital protocols and the controversial use of Remdesivir. He draws chilling parallels to the AIDS epidemic, shedding light on Dr. Anthony Fauci's role in both health crises.
Dr. Ardis doesn't just stop at exposing the deceit; he provides hope with natural remedies and protocols to combat long COVID and vaccine side effects. Stay tuned as he shares details about his Healing for the Ages conference and invites you to join the movement towards reclaiming your health.
This episode promises eye-opening revelations and life-changing solutions you won't hear anywhere else. Don't miss it!
Key Highlights:
• Cancer Treatment Insights
• Transition to COVID-19
• Investigating Remdesivir
• Long COVID and Natural Remedies
• Healing Centers and Conferences
Visit this episode's podcast page: https://www.beljanski.org/beljanski-cancer-talk-show/episode-24-why-covid-protocols-are-failing-us-dr-bryan-ardis-speaks-out/
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Dr. Bryan Ardis: Do you really think you developed cancer because you're chemotherapy deficient? No. There's actually something wrong with you. Something inside of you is wrong with you, in your internal environment or your external environment. And as long as you meet with open-minded practitioners who are actually looking at what you're putting into your body, you can usually figure out real quickly what is the underlying cause for the sabotage of your immune system.
Who Dr. Ardis Is
Victor Dwyer: Hey, everyone! Welcome to today's episode of The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show!
Get ready for an eye-opening conversation with one of the most outspoken voices in health today—Dr. Bryan Ardis.
Known worldwide for his expertise on COVID-19, vaccines, and controversial treatments, Dr. Ardis doesn’t hold back.
You’ve seen him on Watch the Water, Antidote, and all across major platforms like Daystar and Newsmax.
He’s the co-creator of the "Healing for the A.G.E.S." wellness conference and hosts The Dr. Ardis Show, where he uncovers the truth that others won’t. Buckle up, because this is going to be a conversation you won’t forget!
Introduction and Book Announcement
Sylvie Beljanski: Hello, Dr. Ardis! We are delighted having you today here with us on this podcast today. It is my understanding that you are about to release a very anticipated book, “Moving Beyond the COVID 19 Lies.” Right. Is that so?
Dr. Bryan Ardis: That is very true. In fact, I've got it right here. Thank you for saying that. But the book is called “Moving Beyond the COVID 19 Lies: Restoring Health & Hope for Humanity.”
And you can get that at amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com. We are thrilled to have this because it gives you answers and gives you hope and direction for all of those who are either suffering from long COVID symptoms, vaccine injury. I lay out for you all the tests and all the antidotes by prescription, all natural to try to extend your life and reduce your suffering as fast as possible.
Background and Medical Career
Sylvie Beljanski: But you are not just coming out of medical school. So, for those who do not know you, what kind of doctor were you before COVID?
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Absolutely. So I'm actually a retired chiropractor, acupuncturist and nutritionist. Before COVID, I actually had a practice in Tennessee, East Tennessee and then one in Dallas, Texas that I had sold in 2018 feeling the impression to go take these nutritional principles that we were helping to reclaim people's health from around the world and now take it to audiences online. Not knowing that there was a, an agenda in place to actually try to sabotage the health of everybody worldwide and then take advantage of people and hospitals around the world with horrific, toxic, deadly hospital protocols that they called COVID 19 protocols. And that's why I got involved. That's why the majority of the world knows who I am at all is because of the lies around the pandemic called COVID 19.
Cancer Treatment Insights
Sylvie Beljanski: But your work around cancer before that was also very prominent and you took also some very interesting approach about cancer and mostly nutritional approach, right? Is that so?
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Yes. In fact, before I even learned about Beljanski, I'd actually, in my own practice since 2004, and I'm not joking when I say this. It's very hard to claim things at 100 percent of the time because life just doesn't occur that way for every human being on earth and their diseases. But I'll have to tell you, 95 percent of every single cancer patient I ever saw, evaluated, and treated, it didn't matter what the cancer was that they were diagnosed with, 95 percent of them were actually caused and were misdiagnosed because they were actually parasitic infections, either egg sacs of parasites that were being diagnosed as cancer, cancerous tumors, polyps, you name it, in all organs of the human body, or, or anyway, or just the actual worms themselves called nematodes or tapeworms.
So, those were the things we used to treat them and we could do it all naturally. I didn't need any drugs to do it. I didn't need any prescriptions to do it. There's actually known antiparasitic elements found all over the world that people and scientists have proven like Beljanksi has, there's all natural approaches to cancer development, regression and recovery. And so that's what we used was all nutritional detoxing principles, herbs, minerals, homeopathics, you name it.
Sylvie Beljanski: And of course, the anti-parasite drugs have much less side effects than chemotherapy or radiotherapy in the long term. Absolutely.
Transition to COVID-19
Sylvie Beljanski: So what made you switch from cancer to COVID?
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Yeah, so I'd actually retired in 2018 with the impression for several years that I needed to go take these same principles that I educate one on one with families and individuals in my practices.
My specialty was actually reversing autoimmune diseases. That was always my favorite thing. Nobody is told why it is they've been told their body's attacking itself. And the truth is there's always a cause, just like with cancer. In fact, I'll just throw it out there. How many people out there believe that if God would have just given you more chemotherapy in your creation, you would have been able to live a cancer-free life.
I mean, everybody on Earth is still being thrown chemotherapy at them, which is a, just a version of mustard gas that's a known deadly poison. Do you really think you developed cancer because you're chemotherapy deficient? No, there's actually something wrong with you. Something inside of you is wrong with you in your internal environment, your external environment.
And as long as you go meet with open-minded practitioners who are actually looking at your external environment you live in and the internal environment of what you're putting into your body, you can usually figure out real quickly what is the underlying cause for the sabotage of your immune system, which is designed inherently to protect you from the development of cancer cells every single day of your whole life.
Sylvie Beljanski: So,
Dr. Bryan Ardis: When it came to COVID, the question was, how did I go from cancer to COVID?
Personal Tragedy and Hospital Protocols
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Well, my father in law walked into a hospital in February of 2020. And he never walked out. He walked in with complaints of fever and a headache. And they diagnosed him even though he did not test positive for it. They tested him for a strain of influenza and called the family to say that my 92, 93 year old father-in-law had the flu confirmed with a blood test, which it never was.
They admitted him that night, said the next day he developed pneumonia. Third day we got calls that he's now in acute kidney failure. Day five he's going in and out of consciousness and retaining water, and they can't figure out how to control the kidney, the kidney failure. Only to find out on days six, seven, and eight, when I went up to the hospital, that everything done for the flu diagnosis was a hospital protocol that they were held bent to actually follow.
And one of the drugs inside that protocol was published and known before I even walked in the door on day six, they caused acute kidney failure and all senior citizens they gave it to. And he'd been on it for six days at this point and I'm hearing reports of his demise one day after another, walking in with fever and a headache.
Now he's unconscious on a breathing machine and his kidneys are failing and he's put on 25 pounds of water weight. It was all caused by the drug interactions in the human body that were toxic to him. And the, the seventh day I actually challenged the medical profession in the hospital. We changed his protocols.
Within four hours, he lost all the water weight, peed it all out. All of his lungs cleared of what they called pneumonia on day two, which he never had. It was pulmonary edema, water accumulating in his lungs because they shut down his kidneys with drugs. And they kicked me out of the hospital with security after we proved that we could reverse all of his symptoms in four hours by just changing the drug protocols, which I did.
They actually called security on me and kicked me out. The administration and the medical staff then told the nurse's station to call my wife at home and tell her that they would never communicate with me ever again on my father-in-law's case. And if I come up to that hospital, I'll be kicked out again.
And so there was this threat that I had exposed the liability they created with their hospital protocol. I told my family at the time and my wife, if you let them kick me out, they're going to put him on palliative care, they're going to overdose him on morphine and other sedatives, and he will die in front of you.
They're going to euthanize him right in front of you, like they do a dog or cat in a vet's office. That's what they're going to do. They just call it palliative care and charge you hundreds of thousands of dollars, with the same drugs they put your dog or cat to sleep with, in front of you. They do this with loved ones all around the world.
So, they did this to my father-in-law and killed him after I was kicked out of the hospital in three days. This set me into a tirade of anger and depression. And I'm not the only one who lost a loved one in a hospital since 2020.
Investigating Remdesivir
Dr. Bryan Ardis: What I discovered was three months later, that they're, during my anger and upset, I found three months later that Dr. Anthony Fauci had published on the NIH, his website, a document, a three-paragraph memo to all hospitals in America. And it said this, “There's only one drug and one drug only that all hospitals in America are allowed to use and all Americans who are hospitalized for COVID 19.”
And “this is an experimental drug,” I'm quoting, an experimental drug, meaning not FDA-approved ever for human use. “This is an experimental drug called Remdesivir.” And then he said it was “proven safe and effective in a viral treatment against Ebola in Africa in 2019 in a year long study.” And then he quoted in this memo that “It was found effective and safe against COVID 19 in a three-month trial from January to March of 2020.”
Well, in that memo, I just happened to open them because I was retired and took time to read these two research studies, Anthony Fauci had embedded in his three-paragraph memo. Imagine my shock to find out that Dr. Anthony Fauci's department at the NIH funded that Remdesivir Ebola trial in 2019 that he was referencing it was found safe and effective in.
As I'm reading that study, halfway through the year-long trial, the Independent Safety Board reports in the research study. To this day, it's still online. Go look at it on the New England Journal of Medicine. The Safety Board found that everybody in Africa that was given Remdesivir for Ebola, 53 percent of every single one of them died on that drug.
And it was the only drug that had a higher than 50 percent death rate. This death rate of 53% was higher than the reported death rate for Ebola at 50%. So, the safety board deemed the drug too toxic and too deadly and then kicked it out of the trial and notified Anthony Fauci in August of 2019. Then in May of 2020, less than a year later, he's now produced this memo and said to hospitals all over America, “This drug Remdesivir was proven safe and effective against Ebola.”
No, it wasn't. It was kicked out of the trial. It was the first drug kicked out of the trial and not allowed to be given to anybody else in Africa because it was deemed too deadly. When I read the research studies on Remdesivir and then read that the COVID 19 study with Remdesivir, they found 35 percent of everybody given that drug experienced kidney failure, multiple organ failure, Septic shock and low blood pressure that was death threatening.
This was the summary of everything happening in the hospitalized COVID 19 group of people in the New York City hospitals in May of 2020. They all had acute kidney failure within 24 hours. That's what Remdesivir is reported to do. So, in May of 2020, I hired a publicist and from my dining room table, I decided if I couldn't save my own father in law's life, I was going to try to save as many
Sylvie Beljanski: Patients?
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Patients, Americans throughout the country who did not know that there was a, even deadlier hospital protocol being incentivized to all hospitals around America with a drug called Remdesivir. And so I just, I coined the phrase “run death is near.” It's a drug no one had ever heard of and I said just when you hear the phrase, they're going to mention a drug that they're going to treat you with for COVID in the hospital.
It's going to rhyme with “Run, death is near.” The drug is called Remdesivir.
COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns
Dr. Bryan Ardis: We did a lot, a lot of interviews, 40 to 50 interviews every week and then, it's spilled over into what is wrong with this vaccine agenda. There's so many of these injury reports. What in the world is wrong with the vaccines? And I have become one of the several, not very many, what are considered COVID 19 experts around the world.
I have testified in state Capitol buildings. I was asked to testify in the King's court in parliament. I've been in almost every state Capitol building in America. me, Peter McCullough, Thomas Renz, Steve Kirsch were all testifying all over the country for the last four years on all lies called COVID. Now the book I wrote is simply because the government this year in America published a document called “The Long Term Side Effects of COVID 19” and they're calling it long COVID.
And these include cancer diagnosis, by the way. It also includes schizophrenia as a diagnosis called long COVID. Did you know that hallucinations, delusions, anxiety attacks, psychotic breaks are now considered long COVID diagnoses. And our government just published everybody who had COVID has the threat of having these symptoms like myocarditis, blood clotting disorders neurological impairment, Parkinson's included, Alzheimer's.
These are all long COVID side effects now that the government just published will last for 14 years on average for everybody in America. Well, that's why I wrote the book because what you weren't told is they used poisons, not a virus to create every single COVID 19 symptom on Earth and four countries in this on this planet did DNA testing and everybody that tested positive with COVID and they found a combined 36 different poisons made by man in labs all around the world that actually create every symptom they call COVID 19 and every single injury they call vaccine injury.
And I take audiences through what all those DNA-confirmed poisons are and what all their published solutions are. And these poisons are actually published since 1956 to cause rapid turbo cancers. Well, how many of those are being reported around the world, including, including glioblastomas? Well, let me give you a hint of what our government and research institutes were actually publishing during the pandemic and funding while you and I were being locked down at home.
Did you know our government in America was funding research studies throughout the United States while we were locked down? They were having research institutes study various poisons they found in every single COVID 19 positive patient and they were injecting them into mammals and they wanted to see, for example, one of them, it's in the book, I discuss it, they wanted to know how quickly can they create a glioblastoma in a mammal after injecting this poison.
They published they could create a glioblastoma brain tumor in less than 24 hours. Then they turned around and were paid to investigate one nutrient found in vegetables and the tobacco plant. They wanted to know what's the dosage of this one nutrient over a three-day period that dissolves the tumor by half. And that nutrient was nicotine.
And they even told you the dose and they show you that they can shrink a brain tumor called glioblastoma created by the poisons that are in the COVID 19 vaccines published and found by DNA experts all over the world that nicotine actually stands in the way of the ability of the replication of the cells in your brain stem and in your brain that lead to glioblastoma formation which is actually killing university age kids in America within two to three to four weeks of diagnosis.
And we've never seen brain tumors like this since the inception of the COVID 19 vaccine agenda in a young group of people in America. And my goal is to try to help preserve your life as much as possible so you can learn the truth and keep your family safe.
Sylvie Beljanski: You know, you mentioned the name of Anthony Fauci and you are too young to remember but, in the 80s, Anthony Fauci was also very much involved with the AIDS epidemic.
And my father was, his research was all about cancer until, until AIDS came and there was nothing except AZT, which was the official drug of the time only, only authorized, which turned out also, out to be poisonous. And my father had a clinical trial with his natural extract, Pao Pereira extract, which turned out in, with a clinical trial to be nobody, nobody infected with the AIDS virus developed full blown AIDS in one year.
Their immune system was going, going up. Plus, Pao Pereira had an anticancer effect, was crossing the blood brain barrier. Very, very, very similar. And that was the beginning also of the demise of my father. Really after, after that, in a matter of, of years, I mean, it started to be targeted by the political and medical establishments.
Very, very similar and the same protagonist.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: In fact, there's more similarities to HIV and AIDS in that, that entire outbreak, you want to consider it this epidemic they created back in the 80s and 90s, Dr. Anthony Fauci oversaw that entire thing, too, and you're right. So, I've actually many times referenced in interviews around the world and from stages that this isn't an entirely exact same ‘rinse and repeat' experiment…
Sylvie Beljanski: Exactly!
Dr. Bryan Ardis: on the public, as you saw with HIV and AIDS.
Sylvie Beljanski: Yeah.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: And you brought up AZT as the drug, as the only cure for these HIV infected people to prevent them from getting aids. I want to show you and tell you a little bit about what the similarities are between COVID and HIV andAIDS, besides just Dr. Anthony Fauci.
He is involved over both of these and you'll now start to see what he did duplicating the same thing he did with HIV and AIDS with COVID. So, during HIV you were told there was a virus spreading between certain specific groups of people challenging and making more groups of people at risk than others.
They did the same thing with COVID. Who did they say was the most at risk for getting COVID and dying? It wasn't homosexuals this time.
Sylvie Beljanski: No, it was the old people.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: And drug users. It was blacks and Latinos. So, they constantly said blacks and Latinos are the highest risk group for getting a hospitalization and death from COVID.
“You need our vaccines more than anybody.” And when the truth was every single data point from the CDC on CDC's COVID data tracker, which is daily updated, never once was there a day where Latinos and blacks or the highest group of hospitalized or dying people from COVID 19. It never was them. Well, boy, did they make sure they targeted them. No different than they did homosexuality and the use of drugs with HIV and AIDS.
What's the next thing they wanted you to know that is similar. Anthony Fauci said there's only one drug for HIV and that's AZT. A new drug no one's ever seen before used before. We're going to give it to everybody with HIV.
Well, during COVID, there's now this virus that targets specific groups of people only selectively. And he said, there's only one drug never proven safer, effective or approved by the FDA ever, called Remdesivir or a nonproven E.U.A. Only, Emergency Use Authorization Approved Only vaccine, that's never been proven safe or effective ever in human trials either.
So, in both cases, there was this virus causing a symptom. Now, in the case of HIV, it was HIV leads to AIDS. Fauci repeated this and he said, SARS CoV2 leads to COVID 19. Okay, this is the thing. COVID 19 was the disease and the symptoms, of the virus they called SARS CoV 2. HIV causes AIDS. Got it. Do you know that the drugs are even similar?
Sylvie Beljanski: No, I did not know that.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: AZT is actually a drug that was actually extracted from the venom of a marine sponge in the oceans of the Caribbean. So, I'd like to ask you how does venom from a sea creature help prevent a monkey-spread virus, we were told, called HIV? How does venom prevent HIV? Just so y'all know, in the 1990s, the University of Georgia did a study with HIV patients for 20 years, and they confirmed, literally, if you just gave them supplementation of 200 micrograms of Selenium every single day to HIV patients, they never once developed full blown AIDS in 20 years.
And they figured out that the virus, that this virus actually was depleting Selenium out of all your cells, leading to an aggressive form of immune deficiency that they were calling AIDS. This is just one thing that it was doing. It was doing multiple things and there were multiple solutions to that, but this is an overlap of both of these.
Remdesivir, super toxic and deadly. In fact, it reads its side effects, read identical to the venom of other creatures, and the manufacturer of Remdesivir called Gilead actually purchased a medical facility that manufactures cancer drugs made from snake venom only. And they bought them out in 2011, nine years before the pandemic.
So, there's a great overlap between the two, the HIV-AIDS illusion and the COVID 19-SARS CoV2 illusion. Just saying. And Anthony Fauci was over both of them.
Victor Dwyer: So, I actually got the COVID booster. And I actually got a really bad autoimmune reaction from it. So, like once I got the COVID booster about two weeks later, I started like not being able to breathe and I was able to like, I didn't have to go, I was close to getting the hospital, but I didn't luckily I was able to like breathe enough to where I could sustain myself. But, basically, I had to take Zyrtec every day for, every day. And if I went 24 hours without taking an antihistamine, I would lose the ability to breathe and like I did that for, and I took allergy shots and eventually after a year of going through that eventually went away.
I don't know if it's because of the allergy shots or like what, like what it was like, but I just know that two weeks after I got the booster, I had a horrible autoimmune reaction where I couldn't breathe very well. I got hives where I would like scratch myself and like I could see like the scratch and it like, it would create hives. So, I had like a lot of crazy things that happened after the booster so I was one definitely one of the people that got affected by that.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: In fact, I don't know if you're, anyone's ever shown your audiences this or ever presented this on The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show.
But there was a document actually that the FDA published and showed publicly amongst themselves but allowed the public to watch while we were all locked down in October of 2020. The actual date is October 22nd 2020. The actual organization within the FDA is called CBER. And there was a guy in a, an executive, last name Anderson, who did a presentation in October of 2020 to the FDA heads on how they were going to be gathering reports of injuries to the coming COVID 19 vaccines.
Now, this is October of 2020 I'm referencing, this meeting that was held online by Zoom with the FDA heads that we could all watch from home. Two months later, three months later in December of, December 14th, 2020 is when the shots actually started going into the arms of all Americans.
So, it was actually November to October, two months before the FDA put up a document, I made it very popular and known, I called it the famous, the infamous Slide 16 from that Power Point presentation. Dr. Anderson puts up on the screen what he lists are the top 22 bullet-pointed side effects of the coming COVID 19 vaccines and boosters that will be reported to the government when they start getting pumped into the arms of Americans.
And do you know that on the sec, there's two columns, 11 on each side bullet points. The last bullet point on the left-hand side of slide 16 of that document actually says we expect all autoimmune diseases to be reported as reactions to these vaccines. Now, to give you some context, in October of 2020, I looked it up. I want to know how many recognized Autoimmune diseases are there diagnosable in America? It was 110 different autoimmune diseases.
Sylvie Beljanski: Absolutely! For every organ you can have a new autoimmune disease.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: That's right. So, I said in every interview, the very next day I started publishing that document all over the place. This is what's going to happen to you, their list, and on that list includes death. And I find this interesting that death wasn't number one bullet point. It was number 12. Why didn't they make that number one? Wouldn't that be the number one thing you're worried about is deaths being reported? No, no. They listed deaths number 12 and then they list miscarriages as number 13. But then they list cancers. Myocarditis is on the list, Guillain-Barré syndrome, which is being paralyzed half of your body, is the number one listed thing they expected to be reported from these COVID boosters, buddy.
So, they told us all of this ahead of time. So, I came out and interviewed the very next day and I said, I've got a documentary to show the world. These are the 120 different disease and death outcomes they expect from the COVID 19 vaccines coming out in two months. And everyone would go like this, “Well, it's not 120 on the list, on that screenshot, it's only 22.” And I'd go, “No, no, you gotta add up the bullet points.” Autoimmune diseases are one, there's 110 of those. So then take the 110, add up the other 21 bullet points, and you're up to 120 something. So, don't worry, 130 something. There is a massive amount of injury and death that they know are gonna be coming.
And what I found very interesting for The Beljansky Cancer Talk Show group, I want y'all to know something. Everybody's been pissed and angry.
Sylvie Beljanski: Of course.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: That the government's not looking at the VAERS data. They're not looking at Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System by the CDC. They're not looking, the federal government's not looking at these reports people are putting in.
Do you know what's amazing about that? I've had to correct everybody who keeps talking about VAERS. The federal government, the FDA, in that document that I'm talking about right now in October of 2020 on slide 15, they told you on that slide. They talked amongst themselves and showed the whole world publicly.
We're not going to look at VAERS to gather data on the vaccines, but they highlight what database they are going to look at. And they said, we're gonna use what's called rapid-cycle analyses to analyze, each week, all seven days that the vaccines go out for every seven days, we're gonna produce a report that we're gonna look at to see, is there any injury signals in cms.gov, which is the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services.
They were only going to look at that. You know what's amazing about that? Have you all seen one report from the FDA about this rapid cycle analysis reports, every seven days, they said in that document they were going to be creating for the public? Nope! It's been four years and we still haven't seen a single one of these things.
You're looking at the wrong database. They actually are looking at vaccine injuries, deaths, miscarriages, autoimmune diseases, Guillain-Barré syndrome, only in the elderly in the medicare group. And we have gotten doctors and attorneys to, with whistleblowers from the CMS, produce the vaccine injury reports the FDA should have been doing, and you can get that at The Dr. Ardis Show.
Long COVID and Natural Remedies
Sylvie Beljanski: Doctor, there are thou, we are speaking of injuries, there are thousands of people around the world who are currently suffering with long COVID. You have a protocol to help them.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: I do.
Sylvie Beljanski: What, what do you, what is your recommendation to help those people? Because we are speaking of thousands of people.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Amen to that.
Ad: The 2025 Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference
Dr. Bryan Ardis: All right, so number one, there's multiple things, okay?
There's multiple things that actually help the body recover from the various injuries and symptoms they call COVID. So, anybody out there who's still struggling and there's hundreds of millions of you, if you got sick with COVID but still have lingering new symptoms or new things that have appeared since then, they call these long COVID and they expect you to suffer for the next 14 years.
Well, if you don't want to suffer for 14 years, you might as well know what's creating your symptoms so you know how to address them. What most people don't know is that they're most, most people have heard of something called spike proteins when it comes to COVID and the vaccines. We were all told that the vaccines for COVID are going to make your body, make the spike proteins of COVID, which is going to help prevent you from getting a worst case of COVID from some variant in the future.
That's what they lied to you about. So, I want to make this very clear when it came to COVID. When it came to COVID, they said there was this virus. They even showed you a little CGI images of a ball that had these little bitty spikes all over the outside, and they called those little spike things, spike proteins.
And for the first year of COVID, they said there was really just two unique spike proteins on the outside of this virus we've never seen before on SARS CoV 1, SARS and MERS back in 2005. So, they said, this is different. They'd only had one spike protein when it came to SARS CoV 1. This one's got two different ones called sub-unit 1, sub-unit 2 is what they called it in every research study.
Did you know that they actually confirmed, with DNA testing, there is not just two different proteins called spike proteins that cause COVID 19 symptoms? Loss of taste and smell, ringing in your ears, brain fog, can't breathe after exercising, asthma, allergies, autoimmune diseases, Myocarditis, blood clotting. No, no. DNA testing on every COVID 19-positive patient in four different countries in the world have confirmed there isn't two toxic proteins they call spike proteins related to COVID. There's actually 36 of them.
And those 36 different Poisonous proteins they call spike proteins, they all target different cellular structures in your body. The majority of the 36 of them actually target what is called Alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
And I'm going to tell you what it is in short layman terms. The majority of these 36 different manmade poisons they called spike proteins target the majority of them nicotine receptors on your cells and every cell of your human body has them. So, let me explain this to you. Any of you that got loss of taste and smell from getting COVID and had that lingering for any length of time, the majority of the poisons that make up everybody's symptoms called COVID, they're targeting nicotine receptors.
Well, in your tongue and in your nose, you have nicotine receptors. And when these manmade poisons get in your mouth or in your nose, they bind to nicotine receptors. Nicotine receptors have two terms. When a poison binds to it, it either turns on the cell's function or turns it off at the nicotine receptor.
So, picture a nicotine receptors like a switch on your lights on the wall, your little light switch. When you turn on your light, they call that an agonist. So, nicotine by itself is an agonist. The poisons of COVID are called antagonists. They shut off the switch to the light bulb. So, if your nerve in your tongue, designed by God, is there to taste things, bitter, sweet, salty, when whatever the poison is, gets in your mouth and binds to those nicotine receptors, they're antagonistic to it and they shut it off its function.
It doesn't kill the nerve, it just stops it from doing its job. So, now you have no taste. Now, once you put an agonist on there to turn that back on, nicotine is the perfect antidote to the majority of those poisons they called COVID and spike proteins of COVID. The majority of all things COVID are cured with nicotine.
Not just nicotine from tobacco, not from a cigarette, not from dipping snuff. You can use a nicotine patch, nicotine socket, nicotine gum and these cure all long COVID symptoms confirmed in medical literature. All long COVID symptoms completely remitted with just six days of nicotine patches. And you can learn more about that in the book I just wrote that handles the majority of the poisons.
When it comes to long COVID, nicotine is the first thing you're going to consider because it makes up a cure or antidote for the majority of these poisons. However, there's about 15 of those 36 poisons that don't target nicotine receptors, they target other things, and your symptoms are going to be like this—instead of having loss of taste and smell, you now have blood clots forming throughout your body that is now called a long COVID or vaccine injury.
Well, the poisons are named in the DNA testing in these research studies, and they actually have published what the cure is found in nature to every single one of these blood clotting poisons that make up the COVID cases of blood clotting.
Well, just so you know, the poisons that are published with DNA evidence to cause your blood clotting, called long COVID symptoms or vaccine injury to lead to blood clots, even the big rubbery ones—there's two poisons made by man that was found in every COVID patient that had blood clotting. And they're called Ecarn, E-C-A-R-N, which is a rapid blood clotting actual poison.
And it makes your blood clots resistant to blood clot busting drugs like Warfarin, Heparin, and Coumadin. And if anybody goes back and looks at starting in May of 2020, go to PubMed.gov and type in COVID 19 hospitalized patients resistant to Heparin, Warfarin, and Coumadin with blood clotting, you will see tons and tons of articles from around the world.
They found that people with COVID who had blood clotting, they didn't respond to blood clotting prescription drugs. And that's because the Ecarn poison is resistant to Heparin, Warfarin, and Coumadin. And they know it. Now who owns the rights to this poison? You'd be shocked to find. I put it in the book and show you the Department of Defense of the United States owns the patent to that poison and there's a second one that's in combination in their patent.
Another poison made by man called Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor, which is long for the poison named Textilinin for short. Both of these poisons are made by man all around the world. and they can deliver it to you in the air, water, food, make it look like you got COVID, you got symptoms of a respiratory virus that miraculously causes blood clotting all of a sudden. That is not true. It never happened.
They poisoned you and those poisons are all identified and laid out for you in the book. And then the natural solutions to all of them, no matter what your symptoms are, they're addressed in the book called “Moving Beyond COVID 19 Lies.”
So, let me give you an example of the cures for the blood clots created by the poisons confirmed by DNA evidence in China, France, Italy, and Germany. Every one of these countries found these poisons in every COVID 19 positive patient who had blood clotting called COVID.
Alright, number one, in 2007, the NIH published the cure for these types of blood clots in these poisons. The first one is found in cinnamon, the spice, cinnamon. So, every one of you have in your kitchen pantry, most likely, cinnamon. And that type of cinnamon is called cinnamon cassia. Do you know that in cinnamon cassia is found something called Coumarin? And Coumarin dissolves all 12 blood clotting factors of human blood. It actually is, it actually helps dissolve all causes of blood clotting in the human body no matter what's creating it. What poison, what natural phenomenon, it doesn't matter.
And then there's a second plant called licorice root. And licorice root has something in it called Glycyrrhizin Acid. Glycyrrhizin Acid inside licorice root. Coumarin inside of cinnamon. Which, by the way, when it was found in cinnamon in the 1700s by the Louis Pasteur Institute in France, they decided to call Coumarin that was found in cinnamon that dissolves blood clots in humans, they decided to patent that chemical and change the R in the word from Coumarin to a prescription drug you now know as Coumadin. So, just so you know, these are the natural sources for the cures of these blood clots and that will work regardless. So, I lay that out for you in the book. This is just an example of somebody, a symptom or disease people would struggle with and there are published cures since 2007, the NIH has published. These clots will be cured with these things. That's two of the three.
Sylvie Beljanski: I'm not sure that, you know, taking just some, some cinnamon and putting that in, on some apple, apple pie will be enough.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Nope, I would not expect that would be enough. However, the benefit of cinnamon is far known even for diabetics. Just sprinkle a little quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon and add it to a smoothie, your oatmeal, whatever you're eating every day, it's absolutely known to help reduce blood sugar load, reverse insulin sensitivity, it helps majorly with diabetics, it also happens to be a natural blood thinner. So, just use it every day.
And then if you want concentrated forms, there are formulations we've used from organic plants around the world to create a product we call foreign protein cleanse. And I outlined for you why it is we included every ingredient. It handles the majority of the poisons they have identified in every COVID patient that causes the neurological symptoms you're dealing with, the blood disorders you're dealing with, and any organ dysfunctions. If you now have heart disease, they know which poisons did it to you and we've outlined for you all the cures and antidotes in the book and other places. But I'm giving you a few of those. One of the things that most people don't know is almost every single one of these poisons is completely cured when your own body can make adequate amounts of Hydrogen Peroxide.
Sylvie Beljanski: Of course.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: And there are certain things that the bodies have been intentionally made devoid of to create individuals who can no longer produce enough ATP or hydrogen peroxide in our cells, which is actually designed to protect you from bacteria, funguses, parasites, poisons, you name it, are all actually eradicated with Hydrogen Peroxide.
But there has been an attempt to destroy copper reserves in the human body for decades, using a substance called glyphosate on all of our foods, all of our farms. And when you create a copper deficient human, you now have a human being who cannot make Hydrogen Peroxide to defend himself against bacteria, viruses, funguses, parasites, and poisons.
And you also cannot make insulin break down blood sugar. Now you become and appear, look like you're insulin-resistant, meaning you're making insulin, but it's not doing anything against sugar. Did you know that the enzyme required to turn insulin on to break down blood sugar is copper-dependent? Well, if you destroy all copper in the human body, you can't make insulin that now can actually break down sugar. And you create a world of diabetes.
In fact, I want to speak to diabetics real quick. Three years ago, in all my presentations, I started identifying who's the real target of COVID 19. Whether the infection you wanted to believe, or the vaccine agenda you wanted to believe was the culprit, diabetics were the number one hospitalized for any reason related to COVID and died from COVID or from the vaccines. Forty percent of all deaths from COVID 19 worldwide were in diabetics and this is my problem. Do you know that diabetes, there's only supposedly 500 million diabetics in the whole world right now? Do you know that when Joe Biden wrote a dismissal to the emergency of COVID 19 in May of 2023 last year, do you know that the very next month, the very first data set created by the World Health Organization with statisticians to review all things COVID worldwide, they published the number one concern they have is the explosive amount of diabetes that has been newly diagnosed since 2020 and COVID.
And they stated this, they published it, you can look at it, World Health Organization announced, the exponential growth in type 1 and type 2 diabetes has been so significant in the last four years, statisticians have told the World Health Organization by the year 2050, that's 27 years from the date of that article, on the planet Earth, there will be 1.31 billion diabetics. That is three times more diabetics than there is right now. So, in the book, I actually explained to you the list of the poisons that were found in all countries of the world, in all COVID patients, which ones cause diabetes.
And then I show you the protocol to help get those poisons out of the pancreas, restore nutrients back to the body to turn that back on. And we have already seen, I'm not joking, with the use of bioactive copper, it's called copper one. That's the type you want to use from plants. And then using nicotine patches, we can turn around diabetes in people just with those two things.
We can actually take type one diabetics for life, even before COVID diagnosed. And all those ones that I meet, all around the world, tell me they are no longer insulin-resistant. They don't need their drugs as they used to take anymore. Or those doses are coming way down. Their A1C is coming down on its own. Their ability to create insulin on their own is going up with the use of things like nicotine patches to release those poisons in the pancreas that, by the way, nicotine receptors are responsible for either producing or not producing insulin and type 1 diabetics, but most of you don't know that.
So, there are actually solutions to these things and then the copper, the nicotine. There's just two things I would recommend, there's other things in the book. But this is an example of the onslaught of poisons that have been introduced into the human race around the world, whether you believe it was coughed from a bat in China and then coughed from other human beings onto the whole rest of the world. My first chapter of the book actually is titled, “Let me get this straight, a bat coughed in china and made the whole world sick?”
How many of you bought that one? I hope you didn't because it was actually a massive global conspiracy effort to actually poison the entire world with known poisons. For over a hundred years, they've known about these poisons and been manufacturing them around the world. They know the symptoms of these poisons mimic what looks like a respiratory virus. So, they just convinced everybody that you were breathing it on each other and you weren't, unfortunately. I mean, for the first time ever, did you really fall for the ‘stand 6 feet apart from your loved one’ because the, you know, this virus only goes six feet and then it kamikazes to the Earth? I mean, did you believe that, all of a sudden?
Sylvie Beljanski: Of course not.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: I mean, yeah, it’s pretty wild.
Sylvie Beljanski: So beyond, beyond your book that I'm sure is going to be read by a lot of people, you also have a healing center where people can go and get treated, have a diagnosis, and a recommendation.
Healing Centers and Conferences
Sylvie Beljanski: Can you give us, can you share where is your healing center?
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Yes. So there's two, two things here we want to address. So, the Ardis Healing Center is what I owned in Tennessee and in Texas. And in 2018, I sold my practice and a guy named Dr. Tregellas, incredible physician, he now runs what's called North Texas Healing Center in Frisco. And that's where I recommend a lot of people to go, to get help there in Frisco, Texas.
Victor Dwyer: I live five minutes away from Frisco. I'm in Prosper, Texas. That's so funny.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: That’s awesome!
Sylvie Beljanski: You know where to go.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: That's where my practice was from 2009 to 2018, and we served thousands from 16 countries. It was phenomenal. But then I got the impression to go educate people around the world on these basic principles and help people in larger mass numbers. I think we've been able to do that.
I didn't know God was going to force my hand with some kind of global medical tyranny called COVID, but it was obviously a stage. I was in a position to be able to, have the time to do research and educate and warn and inspire people around the world. And then, secondly, if you're not paying attention audiences, there's actually a, a conference I have created called “Healing for the A.G.E.S.”
The first conference was held September 2023. The second we just completed last month in Dallas, Texas, September 2024. You can get all of those replays. You need to go back and get those. It's the foundational principles in the first conference in 2023, was all about how God designed the human body, how it detoxes itself, how it heals itself, and how food impacts your daily life and outcomes.
The internal and external environments of your home and life, how that impacts your health. You need those basics because what we did this last conference, it was all about treating the causes of cancer and we invited individuals like, I'm sure you've interviewed, Dr. Tony Jimenez. We had Dr. Carlos Garcia come from the Utopia Wellness Clinic to our conference and speak on stage. And then we had Dr. Diana Wright who, on her own, in 2012 was diagnosed as a nurse practitioner with ovarian cancer that had metastasized to these areas: fallopian tube, cervix, ovaries, stomach, esophagus, thyroid, multiple tumors in her brain. She was told even if she does chemo radiation therapy from her colleagues, she wouldn't live past 6 months.
She tells the story on stage at Healing for the A.G.E.S. How she went home and said, “Well, if I'm going to die anyway from what your help is going to be, why don't I just go do something different?” So she went home, didn't know anything about natural health, and bought 80 books on natural health, read them all and then started her own dietary changes, detoxing practices, and modalities and natural healing.
And she cured herself of the entire cancer diagnosis. No chemo radiation, no surgery. And I had her up on stage to talk about how she is now a licensed naturopathic doctor and has her own clinic in Arkansas and helps thousands of people already in the last eight years. Helped themselves reverse the scenario they find them in, themselves in which is terminal cancer. And she wrote a book called “Turning Months Into Years.” You can get it on Amazon and go learn.
She actually, it's like a picture book of everything she's going to tell you to do on your own when you come to the clinic, or if you want to do it at home by yourself, what you need to do. We did that this last September, those replays are still available at Healingfortheages.com
And it is our effort to try to unite as many of these different healthcare professionals as possible who are all trying to do their best to serve humanity or on the top of research and clinical applied sciences, so we can tell you what's working and what's not working. So, you can learn more about that at healingfortheages.com.
Conclusion and Upcoming Events
Sylvie Beljanski: Well, thank you very, very much Dr. Ardis, and we are looking very much forward to seeing you in Texas at Austin, Texas, April 25 to 27 at The Beljanski Cancer Conference.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: It's gonna to be awesome! And I cannot wait to hang out with you. I cannot wait to hang out with you who are watching. It's gonna be awesome. Come hang out with us. It's gonna be a celebration.
It's not like some nerdy science thing. It's gonna be awesome celebration of solutions, ‘cause there's tons of them. You're not going to hear them anywhere else. Come to the, The Beljanski Cancer Concert or Conference. It’s gonna be awesome.
Victor Dwyer: It'll be a concert. We're gonna be rocking out.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: We are going to be rocking out. It's gonna be like a pep rally, rock concert and a, you know, nerdy science convention. Bring it up, all wrapped into one.
Sylvie Beljanski: Thank you.
Dr. Bryan Ardis: You're very welcome. God bless.
Victor Dwyer: Hey, thank you everyone for watching that has gotten this far. This is The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show, and we'll catch you next time. Thank you everyone.
Sylvie Beljanski: Thank you.