The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show
Welcome to "The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show," a podcast series dedicated to exploring comprehensive and integrative approaches to cancer treatment and chronic diseases.
Our journey delves into the world of holistic health, examining how it complements traditional medicine in the fight against cancer.
In each episode, we'll be discussing various aspects of holistic care, including nutrition, mental health, alternative therapies, and lifestyle changes, with a focus on how these elements collectively support the body, mind, and spirit during cancer treatment and beyond. We will feature expert guests - oncologists, naturopaths, nutritionists, psychologists, and survivors, all sharing their insights and experiences.
Whether you're a patient, a caregiver, or someone interested in holistic health, this series offers valuable perspectives and practical advice to empower and inspire you on your journey.
Visit our Podcast Page: https://www.beljanski.org/podcast/
The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show
Episode 17 - Breaking Down Breast Cancer: From Diagnosis to Innovations and Support with Sylvie Beljanski
In this must-listen episode of The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show, join Sylvie Beljanski, the visionary President and Founder of The Beljanski Foundation, as she unveils groundbreaking insights into breast cancer and the often-overlooked cancer stem cells.
🎗️ The Cancer Crisis:
Discover the startling rise in cancer cases and why conventional treatments often fall short. Sylvie reveals the remarkable potential of natural solutions and plant extracts inspired by the pioneering work of Dr. Mirko Beljanski.
💪 Boost Your Immunity:
Explore the vital importance of a robust immune system in cancer prevention. Sylvie shares actionable tips to help you lower your cancer risk and the critical need to target cancer stem cells head-on.
📚 Real Stories, Real Impact:
Hear powerful testimonials and learn about the latest research on holistic, non-toxic therapies that are changing lives.
🎁 Free Resources:
Don’t miss out on Sylvie’s invaluable free eBook, “Winning the Challenge Against Cancer Stem Cells”. Head over to https://www.beljanski.org/ebook-cancer-stem-cells/ to get your free copy today! Learn more about her acclaimed book, “Winning the War on Cancer: The Epic Journey Toward a Natural Cure” on https://www.beljanski.org/book
🔔 Tune In for Hope and Knowledge:
Join us for an enlightening conversation that empowers you with education, inspiration, and a renewed sense of hope in the fight against cancer. Your journey to understanding and healing starts here!
🔍 Understanding Cancer Stem Cells
🌿 Natural Compounds and Cancer Research
💉 Environmental Factors and Hormone Disruptors
👨🔬 Supporting the Immune System During Chemotherapy
📜 And tons more!
🔔Tune in now!
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Introduction to Cancer Stem Cells
Sylvie Beljanski: Not because conventional medicine is not successful at killing those cancer stem cells that we just have to give up and accept that cancer will always come back. Maybe we just need to look somewhere else. What about natural compounds?
Welcome to The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show
Victor Dwyer: Welcome to today's episode of The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show. In today's episode titled, “Breaking Down Breast Cancer: From Diagnosis to Innovations and Support,” I'm honored to welcome back Sylvie Beljanski herself, the President and Founder of The Beljanski Foundation and CEO of Maison Beljanski. Sylvie's work has propelled her onto the global stage as a sought-after speaker at health and wellness conferences.
Her insights into integrative medicine have not only inspired, but also empowered individuals to take control of their cancer journey and explore new possibilities and care. Stay tuned as we uncover the transformative power of knowledge and innovation in the fight against breast cancer.
Interview with Sylvie Beljanski
Victor Dwyer: Hey guys, today's gonna be a special episode of The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show!
Today, I'm just going to be interviewing Sylvie and I'm really honored to have her as a guest today and just really pick her brain. Rather than her being the host, she's gonna be the guest. So, I'm gonna have a chance to interview her, learn more about her, very similar to our first episode.
Sylvie, for the people that don't know you yet, please introduce yourself and let the audience know who you are.
Sylvie Beljanski: Thank you. Thank you, Victor. Thank you for taking the time to spend this very unique episode with me. I am delighted to have this opportunity to speak about breast cancer and breast cancer stem cells because this is a topic which is very dear to my heart.
I am the President of The Beljanski Foundation which is a 501(c)(3) located in New York City. And we are currently funding research program on breast cancer stem cells. We are doing that in partnership with Kansas University Medical Center, and I cannot tell you how pleased I am to speak about this ongoing research program.
And I am very hopeful about the results we are going to gather because we are doing is based on previous results obtained with the same ingredients on different kind of cancer stem cells. But I feel it is so important to educate the public about what cancer stem cells that I am jumping on any opportunity to speak about that.
So I said let's have this specific episode just about that speaking together about this very point to do cancer topic, but so important.
Understanding Cancer Stem Cells
Victor Dwyer: Yes, you talked about cancer stem cells. It sounds big.
What are cancer stem cells for the audience that doesn't know yet?
Sylvie Beljanski: Cancer stem cells are a kind of subpopulation within the family of cancer cells and they have the specificities that they are able to self-renew, and they do resist chemotherapies. So, you go to the doctor who has diagnosed the cancer, he’s doing for chemotherapy, he's saying, “Oh, you are doing well. The cancer is shrinking.” And in fact, what this doctor is killing is a least aggressive of those cancerous cells. The youngest undifferentiated embryonic cancer cells, the next generation is still alive and is able to stay in the tumor or in the blood for a long time, and eventually create a kind of relapse of cancer.
So people think, they've been through grueling treatment of chemotherapy and it's when they are tired, physically tired, emotionally exhausted, bored and that's when they hear for the first time, “Ah, sorry, we did not kill all of them. You have some cancer stem cells, and the cancer is back.” And all that because conventional medicine are not addressing cancer stem cells.
And my point is, It's not because conventional medicine is not successful at killing those cancer stem cells that we just have to give up and accept that cancer will always come back. Maybe we just need to look somewhere else. What about natural compounds?
Natural Compounds and Cancer Research
Sylvie Beljanski: So, at The Beljanski Foundation, we have been working for so many years with those natural plant extracts, Pao Pereira, Rauwolfia Vomitoria, on different kinds of cancer cell lines, different stages of cancer.
We said, “Why not cancer stem cells? Let's give it a try.” And we first worked at Kansas University Medical Center on ovarian and pancreatic cancer stem cells, and we had great success. We were able, in vitro, which is petri dishes and also in vivo, animal model. We looked at immunocompromised mice.
We were able to completely eradicate those cancer stem cells from ovarian and pancreatic cancer stem cells. So, that led to scientific publications that are available on the website of the foundation, beljanski dot org, but also led us to wonder, “Have we been just lucky with those two kinds of cancer stem cells, pancreatic and ovarian? Or, have we touched something that could be more general and especially breast cancer stem cells? Are we able to destroy them also with those little plant extracts?” And that's the focus of the current research program. So yeah, we should have the results next year and I look forward to reporting.
The Rise of Breast Cancer Cases
Victor Dwyer: Yeah, I heard that every minute four people are diagnosed with breast cancer. Hhow can you explain that massive number of every minute that four people are diagnosed with breast cancer?
That's a huge number. Why do you think that is?
Sylvie Beljanski: Indeed, there is four people in the world, mostly women, but also an increasing number of men who are afflicted with breast cancer, and it is a growing number, actually, according to cancer.org, so breast cancer incidence rates have been increasing by 0.6 percent annually in recent years and even 1 percent per year for women under 50.
So, obviously there is something else than just genetic mutations. We have heard, because of social media, because of famous actresses about the cancer mutation, having the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic mutations.
If it was all genetics, the number of cancer would be pretty stable, just would be passed from one generation to another. But what we see is an increase, so obviously there is something else going on, and it is very clear.
Environmental Factors and Hormone Disruptors
Sylvie Beljanski: When you look at the changes of the environment over the past century, a number of chemicals we are living with is completely different and has increased and there is a specific class of chemicals called hormone disruptors which take a big place now in our environment.
And those are available in plastic containers, for example. You find bisphenol, it's not named under the name of BPA, but you have also non-stick pans. You see those publicity and the ads for non-stick pans, very often, they do contain some chemicals which are linked to hormone disruption.
You have also a lot of plastics that do contain phthalates, phthalates that are used to make plastic more pliable. And so it's a lot of things in plastics, chances that it contains phthalates. In soaps, who would think that soaps would induce hormone disruption?
I remember a few decades ago, there was a lot of ads for soaps that do contain triclosan. Because it has antibacterial activity, it was supposed to clean better. In fact, it turns out that it does kill bacteria, but it also may induce hormone disruption. And now they have been forbidden. Triclosan have been forbidden in soaps, but they are available in many other cleaning products.
So, there are actually hundreds of those products available on the market. There was all different kind of properties. It would be a huge problem to try to test them all for their ability at inducing cancer but, definitely, there is a link between those chemicals and disruption of hormones and growing number of cancer in hormonal sensitive tissues like breast for women or testicles for men, definitely.
Practical Advice to Reduce Cancer Risk
Victor Dwyer: Yeah. So, what actual advice would you give to the audience? You talked about a lot of different things that could potentially cause cancer. If you were to summarize that, let's say five things to stay away from, what would be on that list of five things to stay away?
You talked about the plastics. Do you recommend not drinking bottled water? What type of advice would you give to these people to reduce the cancer?
Sylvie Beljanski: Of course, you want to stay away from those things I just mentioned, which like non-stick pans. Let’s use Enox, let’s use steel, that's fine.
Avoid plastic bottle water, put something on a filter on your shower to avoid showering with chemicals on a daily basis. That such, just the tip of the iceberg. Actually, online there are a lot of things that you know those tips which are a common sense lifestyle.
What is important to understand is that all those disruptions, sometimes, we can avoid them, sometimes we can't. They do accumulate in our fatty tissues. The more fatty tissues you add to accumulate, chances are you are accumulating also more hormone disruptors. If you lose weight, you are releasing all those hormone disruptors.
So, what I would say maybe more importantly, and even more practically, is that if you are on a journey of wellness, where you are trying to lose weight, do that gradually. If you are releasing suddenly, at once, in the bloodstream, a lot of those chemicals, then you could really lead to cancer within a matter of months.
Yes. And do look, on a daily basis, how to limit the amount, but if almost more importantly, try to eliminate them very slowly so your body can process them. What we see, also, is a number of, increasing number of cancer in young people. And that I believe has to do with the fact that there is this trend about new drugs to lose weight that are being used by young people and it works on losing weight, but it could have an effect on releasing those bad chemicals too fast for the process to be properly processed by the body.
Concerns About Cancer Stem Cells
Victor Dwyer: On that note, who should be concerned with cancer stem cells? Like, everyone should be concerned about cancer, but who should be concerned about cancer stem cells
Sylvie Beljanski: Everybody, because cancer stem cells are, again, a subpopulation of cancer cells. So, you get cancer stem cells along with cancerous cells–that's what is linked to cancer relapse.
So, if it is a mountain emotionally, physically to go through cancer once, you don't want to have to do it again. Along the road, your body is going to have more and more difficult time to cope with cancer and also with the toxicity associated with cancer treatments. So, you want from day one of diagnosis if it happens, you want to try to address cancer stem cells and what the hospitals are going to offer you is not going to address cancer stem cells.
So, it is really important to look to therapies which are going to address this class, subclass of cancer cells that conventional treatment are going to ignore.
Holistic Therapies vs. Conventional Treatments
Victor Dwyer: Interesting. Is there anything you wanted to add on that?
Sylvie Beljanski: So, the fact that a lot of doctors, they don't have so many solutions. They are burning, poisoning, cutting, immunotherapy is not going to do anything about cancer stem cells. So, their arsenal is very limited.
That's why I do believe that it is so important to be aware of holistic natural therapies to complete what conventional treatments are offering, and it is so important to do the research and bring this, those publications to conventional doctors and ask the doctors, “What do you have for cancer stem cells?”
And if you have nothing, why wouldn't I show that? Should I take something to address those cancer stem cells? There are more and more, on YouTube, more and more doctors now, conventional doctors, speaking about research on cancer stem cells. They have nothing, and they are investing a lot of money for finding a solution.
And the solution, it's natural, they are not looking into that, but it's available and it's not toxic.
Targeting Cancer Stem Cells
Sylvie Beljanski: Those plant extracts that my father developed, Pao Pereira and Rauwolfia Aomitoria, they are selective in their action, meaning they are able to recognize cancerous cells at every stage and wherever they are located.
They recognize the difference at the level of the DNA between cancer cells and healthy cells. And they rush to those cancerous cells, wherever they are located to destroy them. And they leave untouched healthy cells, meaning no toxicity, no side effects and it works very well in synergy with a number of chemotherapies. So, I'm saying to everybody, “Why not give it a try? Give it a try.”
Recommended Ingredients for Breast Cancer
Victor Dwyer: What ingredients would you recommend for people with breast cancer stem cells? What, what particular ingredient would you recommend they take for breast cancer stem cells?
Sylvie Beljanski: So, the study that is currently going on at Kansas University Medical Center is conducted with a specific blend of plant extracts made of Pao Pereira, of Rauwolfia Vomitoria which is reserpine free.
It's very important to note and to remember that, reserpine free Rauwolfia Vomitoria and a specific blend of green teas that my father also selected. for their anti-cancer properties. And we have had also some previous research done on all of those plant extracts. And those research have led to confirm that at least Pao Pereira and Rauwolfia Vomitoria, we already know that they are able to destroy breast cancer cells.
We know that they are able to destroy pancreatic and ovarian cancer stem cells. This specific blend of green teas that my father perfected and is called OnkoTea® has shown the ability to address breast cancer cells. And we tested that on breast cancer cells and metastatic breast cancer cells, and it was doing even better.
Looks like the more aggressive the cancer cells were, the more effective this OnkoTea® was. And we compared the OnkoTea® with Green Tea Lipton, with Biglow, with Kusmi, and definitely it was much more effective than the other green teas available on the market.
All green teas have some kind of anti-cancer benefits, which is well documented, but it looks like not all green teas are created equal, so it's worth, worth noting.
Victor Dwyer: Yeah, that's amazing. My biggest question is, can you take all these simultaneously? If you have cancer stem cells within you, can you take all these ingredients at the same time?
Do you have to take them one at a time? How does that kind of work?
Mechanisms of Action: How Plant Extracts Work
Sylvie Beljanski: No, there is actually a nice synergy not only between those ingredients and chemotherapies that's also has been documented but also with those compounds themselves. They do have, all of them, an anti-cancer activity, but not with the exact same mechanism of action.
Pao Pereira induces apoptosis of cancerous cells, which is a death of cancerous cells. And Rauwolfia Vomitoria has an effect on the development of the next generation, let's say, of cancer cells. So, it's complementary, and it works very well together.
Victor Dwyer: That's amazing. I'm really interested on how does it distinguish. I know you went to it a little bit, but I want to go a little bit deeper.
How these ingredients go through the body and distinguish between a cancer cell, or I guess in this case, a cancer stem cell and a normal cell. And I know you said a little bit about the DNA, but how does it really go through the body and distinguish? Is it going and checking every cell's DNA?
How does that kind of work ?
Sylvie Beljanski: What is really at the cornerstone of my father's work is the observation he made that there is a difference of structure at the level of the DNA between a healthy cell and a cancer and a cancerous cell. In a healthy cell, you have, we all know what a DNA looks like, supposed to look like.
It's the two strands of the DNA are nicely interwoven and kept together with hydrogen bonds. And my father made the observation that whether you look at plants, cancer in plants, in animals, in humans, always cancerous cells look different. The hydrogen bonds are broken, so the two strands of the DNA are not kept together, and you have those big open loops between the two strands, which are going loose.
Between those strands there is a hormone for duplication of access to duplication sites. So, there is an increased rate of duplication of cancer DNA compared to healthy DNA. And because you have this increased rate of duplication that duplicate much faster, then you have those tumors that do happen with cancerous cells, doesn't happen, do not happen with healthy cells.
It looks like those little plant extracts are able to recognize those big loops and penetrate them. And when you look at the microscope, you can see that those plant extracts, because they are naturally fluorescent, you are able to see that they really target cancerous cells.
They penetrate the nucleus of cancer cells, and they remain outside healthy cells. They never penetrate healthy cells. So, that means no toxicity, no effect on healthy cells. If you do not have any cancerous cell, you are going to eliminate the product in a matter of hours just by going to the bathroom and you are going to flush away the extracts without any toxicity for the body.
So, that leads to no toxicity to healthy cells, and the ability to address all kinds of cancer cells because they have that in common that their DNA is different. It's going loose.
Victor Dwyer: That's interesting. On that topic or any other topic that we mentioned, so far, when it comes down to the, either the ingredients breast cancer stem cells, is there anything you want to add to that?
A question that I haven't asked yet.
The Importance of Emotional and Nutritional Healing
Sylvie Beljanski: When it comes to cancer stem cells, I would like people to remember two things. That one, it's never too late to address them. The sooner the better with disease, always, but it's never too late. And so, therefore don't give up because cancer is coming back and you don't have always to address it with the same toxicity that, what you had with the first treatment.
You have learned a lot. Look at cancer as a learning curve. You have learned about emotional healing, about nutritional adjustments that are all necessary to address cancer. And this is really important to the journey along the way and to also to avoid recurrence of cancer.
And the second thing is that, don't get limited at what is offered by the hospital. If the hospital leaves you really with a diminished immune system and exhausted and depressed, there are also natural solutions that you can look at.
Supporting the Immune System During Chemotherapy
Sylvie Beljanski: It's difficult, difficult to think of breast cancer without thinking also of chemotherapy because this is really the standard of care for women undergoing chemotherapy.
However, it is important to know that chemotherapy will indeed destroy cancer cells, including breast cancer cells. Will not address, again, breast cancer stem cells and also will damage the immune system. And it's doing that because it is damaging the lining of the intestine, and it is, thanks to the lining of the intestine, that the body assimilates a number of nutrients which are carried by the blood to the bone marrow, and the bone marrow creates white blood cells and platelets, which are the core of our immune system.
So, by damaging the lining of the colon, you are down the road preventing a full functioning immune system. And then there is a problem with giving more chemotherapy, with the immune system is not working properly.
Doctors are offering additional treatments that can lead to additional toxicity and the outcome of all that can be very difficult to bear. And there are, again, natural solutions that help support the immune system while undergoing chemotherapy and by supporting your immune system, having eating your white blood cells and platelets your cells to store serotonin, which is the hormone of happiness. And if you have enough serotonin, you will avoid depression. You are going to avoid having a very bad look at the outcome, especially when you hear that cancer is coming back. And if you are not depressed, you can go with the emotional healing journey, which is so important to get better.
Victor Dwyer: Sylvie, that was a lot of information. I guarantee the audience is digesting it and going through all that.
Resources and Final Thoughts
Victor Dwyer: Do you have any other books or products or anything else that you would like to promote so the audience can get more information on everything you just said?
Sylvie Beljanski: I just published a free little eBook called “Winning The Challenge Against Cancer Stem Cells.”
I'll be happy to offer that to everybody who is listening. And if you want to take it to the next step and learn even more about what we are doing, of course there is the website of The Beljanski Foundation, beljanski dot org, and there is my book, “Winning The War on Cancer. The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure.”
Every time you are purchasing a book, all the proceeds, all the proceeds, not part of the proceeds–all the proceeds are going to The Beljanski Foundation to support cancer research with natural approach.
Victor Dwyer: Audience, I have listened to the book, “Winning The War On Cancer” that Sylvie wrote, it’s an awesome story.
She has a really amazing story, how she got there–like going through the Amazon and everything else. Sylvie's like part ninja and then, also amazing everything. So, she has a really cool story, if you guys want to ever listen to it. So, I highly recommend it!
Yeah. So, thank you, Sylvie, so much for coming on today. Thank you audience for listening, if you did get this far. This is The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show and we'll catch you next time. Thanks!
Sylvie Beljanski: Thank you.