The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show

Episode 16 - Conquering Cancer with Conventional Treatment and Natural Medicine w/ Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC

The Beljanski Foundation Season 1 Episode 16

In this heartfelt episode, we have the incredible Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, affectionately known as Dr. V. As a two-time Breast Cancer Conqueror and a passionate doctor, she shares her transformative journey through diagnosis, treatment, and healing.

Dr. V opens up about her holistic approach to breast cancer, highlighting the vital roles of stress management, emotional healing, and reducing environmental toxins. 🌿✨ She emphasizes that healing isn’t just about the body; it’s about nurturing the mind and spirit, too.

Discover the power of personalized care as Dr. V shares her insights into the impact of phytoestrogens, toxic estrogens, and lifestyle choices on breast cancer. She shares her wisdom on the emotional side of cancer and talks about her empowering retreats and coaching programs designed to uplift and inspire.

This episode is packed with practical tips for prevention and healing, reminding us all of the strength found in community and personal empowerment. 💪❤️

Tune in for an uplifting conversation that could change your perspective on health and healing! Don’t miss out—let’s support each other on this journey! 🎙️💖

🔍 Understanding the Root Causes of Breast Cancer
🌿 The Role of Diet and Lifestyle in Healing
💉 Environmental Toxins and Hormonal Imbalance
👨‍🔬 The Emotional and Psychological Aspects of Cancer
📜 And tons more!

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Conquering Cancer with Conventional Treatment & Natural Medicine with Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC

Introduction: A Message of Love

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: Cancer is a message of love. It's a tap on the shoulder. It's an opportunity. It's not a death sentence.

Victor Dwyer: Welcome to today's episode of The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show!

In this episode titled “How to Conquer Cancer with Conventional Treatment and Natural Medicine,” Sylvie and I are honored to welcome the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror® and the 7 Essentials System®, Dr. V.

Dr. V has bridged the gap between the “Pink” Breast Cancer movement and natural medicine by creating a revolutionary program called: “How to Survive and Thrive – Conquering Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine.”

Join us as we delve into Dr. V's incredible story, her groundbreaking approach to breast cancer empowerment, and how her own healing journey has inspired thousands around the world.


Meet Dr. V: A Journey of Healing

Victor Dwyer: Dr. V, thank you so much for joining us today! Please give the audience a little intro about yourself and what you do. 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: I'm Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V. I'm known as the Breast Cancer Conqueror because of my two time journey with breast cancer, and I chose to do everything outside of conventional medicine. I have a number one bestseller called “Heal Breast Cancer Naturally,” and my team and I have reached women in 64 countries in the last 12 years, so we're very passionate about saving lives one breast at a time.

Sylvie Beljanski: You are such in a unique position to speak about breast cancer because you are speaking both as a doctor and as a patient. So, what how do you make the difference between the doctor's talk and the patient giving a testimonial about their own journey? 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: I didn't want to become the patient, but I became the patient and I believe it really helped me to be more empathetic with the patients because I knew what it was like to get that diagnosis to try to figure out what was going on. “Why did my body allow this cancer to show up?”

And from the doctor hat, I have to change hats back and forth and I wanted to find a solution and to understand, why this happened to me, because I thought I was doing everything right. I lived a very healthy lifestyle.

Understanding the Root Causes of Cancer

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: But I, and I recognize that cancer was just the symptom, the tip of the iceberg, it wasn't the cause, so I had to really look at my life and how I was living it and things that I needed to do to adjust the adjust my life and my beliefs and everything that I was doing in order to get to that root cause of what allowed the cancer to show up.

Sylvie Beljanski: And speaking of root cause, when it comes to breast cancer, there are a lot of things, a lot of interrogations. Do I have the right genes? Do I have the right mutation? Is there a link with emotions? I got a divorce or this and that. How do you address all those things? 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: We address all.

Sylvie Beljanski: It's probably very difficult to sort out what are the causes, and try to pinpoint what is the cause. How do you process those things with your patients? 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: We have a questionnaire that they'll fill out and it's based on the seven essential systems. So there's seven basic principles or steps that we use to look at what it would take to heal the body.

So, we look at their diet, their toxicity levels, their hormones, their, you know, their sleep patterns, their emotions, their stress level, their oral health, and then what are they actually doing to help to heal or reverse the cancer, and we guide them in that pathway as far as specific supplements, specific treatments, therapies, and how to monitor their journey to make sure that they're moving forward in their progress.

The Role of Diet and Hormones

Sylvie Beljanski: When it comes to diets, there is often a lot of questions that come back, especially about soy and keto, estrogen plants. Is it beneficial? It is not, is it not beneficial? You hear of everything and the opposite. What would you, what is your recommendation as a doctor? 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: I say that nature doesn't make mistakes and plants are there for a good reason and a plant estrogens or phytoestrogens are very protective.

They have a protective effect on our estrogen receptor sites in our body. They help to detoxify the toxic estrogens in the environment that we're exposed to. And when it comes to your health, there's no “one size fits all”. If somebody tells you it's only plant based, that's the only way to heal cancer, run the other way, because we are all biologically individual and you have to find out what works for you.

So, one of the things that I recommend to our clients and our patients is a test called the nutrition genome test. It looks at your genetic weaknesses, And your genetic SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) to see exactly what foods and what supplements your body needs in order to support those weaknesses.

So, there's no guesswork when it comes to your diet. We also encourage our clients to measure their blood work, I mean their, their blood work as well as their blood sugar on a regular basis. Because if you are juicing 20 pounds of carrots in a day, you may be spiking your insulin, which is going to stimulate insulin growth hormones, which is going to open up particular cancer pathways.

So, you've got to find that balance for what works best for you. 

Environmental Toxins and Cancer

Victor Dwyer: You mentioned toxic estrogen. Can you go into what that means and how people get toxic estrogen? 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: So, there are a lot of environmental factors. There's thousands of chemicals in the environment, in the products that we use in our foods in our home environment that can mimic and stimulate estrogen production.

For example, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, those are known as endocrine disruptors and they can stimulate estrogen production. If you have metal fillings in your mouth, some of those metals, particularly mercury, is known as a metalloestrogen, so it can mimic and stimulate estrogen production in the body.

If, and it's one thing to really understand because conventional medicine has vilified women's hormones. They've made them afraid. “Oh no, I have breast cancer, so I have to take these toxic drugs to suppress my hormones.” Your body needs those healthy hormones for your brain health, your bone health, your cardiovascular health, your immune health.

So, it's when your hormones are out of balance, that's when they can take advantage, cancer can take advantage of that scenario. You can be estrogen dominant, perhaps. Perhaps you don't have enough progesterone. Estrogen acts as an accelerator and a growth factor. Progesterone helps to balance that. Perhaps your ratio of all three estrogens is out of balance. You don't have enough of estriol, which is the protective type of estrogen.

When you look at all the chemicals that are in our home and things that women put on their skins, even the plastic bottles they drink out of, the dryer sheets that they're using to dry their clothes, these have chemicals that act as estrogen mimickers and stimulants and can affect the imbalance in our hormones. 

There are many other factors which everything from nutrition to toxicity to stress levels, very little in genetics, maybe 5 percent or less. But even then, if you have a predisposition with the BRCA gene, for example, it does, your, that gene does not have to be turned on.

You can turn off that gene through your lifestyle and through the foods that you eat, managing your stress levels, specific nutrients to help turn off those cancer pathways. So there's lots of causative factors and interestingly, one that we've talked about before, it has to do with what's in your mouth, but most recently some doctors are starting to call breast cancer an infectious disease because they're seeing that the infections they have in their mouth, from root canals or gum disease, inflammatory gum disease, literally ends up in that breast tissue. And when they dissect those tumors, they're finding that same toxic bacteria that drains through the lymphatic system into the breast tissue, causing the environment for cancer to develop.

Holistic Healing Approaches

Sylvie Beljanski: All those things are pretty complex, and I imagine that during the setting of a simple consultation, you don't have the time to address all those things. But, you are also organizing some retreats on a regular basis. Can you tell us more about those retreats and how women who are interested in being educated in all those things you are mentioning can have the time and the proper environment to learn about those things?

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: We used to host retreats before CoViD. Now, we do everything virtually. So we do virtual retreats, like they're four day, four days of learning. We also have a coaching program that is a 6-month coaching program where you can have one-on-one or we have a 10-week group coaching, which we call a transformational group coaching because we give them practical steps.

So, correct, on our first consultation, it's not just, “Wow, we found the solution”, but we go through each of those essentials and we see where the weaknesses are in this and how we can strengthen those. And so it takes months because it's taken years for cancer to show up in your life.

Healing cancer is not a sprint. It's a marathon. It's a lifestyle that you will continue, not necessarily to the intensity that you have while you're on this journey, but you will, for the rest of your life, you'll never go back to that pre-diagnosis life because that's what allowed cancer to show up in the first place. 

Victor Dwyer: And out of your patients, what's the number one thing that you see that they're doing wrong, that increases the likelihood of breast cancer?

Is it diet? Is it exercise? What is the main thing that you see that is the main problem? 

The Importance of Stress Management

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: Number one is stress. Poor stress management. Because when your body is stressed, you're producing a lot of inflammatory cytokines and proteins that can weaken your immune system. Stress will keep you from sleeping well.

Stress will keep you from digesting well. It'll keep you from thinking clearly. And so if you're not managing your stress, and you're a hamster on the wheel, your body will not heal. You cannot heal your body if you feel like you're being chased by a saber-toothed tiger, right? You've got to get into that parasympathetic relaxation response every single day.

And that was a big thing for me that I learned in my second healing journey because my whole life, Type A personality, which most people with cancer have that cancer personality, right? Type A personality, nose to the grindstone, go. I had to, I chose to learn to change how I live my life. So I stopped coaching one-on-one. I trained coaches so that they could do the coaching and it gave me more time to focus on my healing and literally, putting it in my calendar saying, “Do not disturb, this is my time”

Sylvie Beljanski: And you were mentioning the fact that you had cancer again, and it is about 1 out of 8 patients who is suffering from breast cancer is eventually going to develop a second cancer from breast or something else.

Recurrence and Cancer Stem Cells

Sylvie Beljanski: How do, doctor explain this recurrence of cancer in some people? 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: Great question. Conventional doctors don't have a clue. They say it's the luck of the, spin of the dice or whatever it is. But, we understand because The Beljanski Foundation is doing research on breast cancer stem cells.

And that was a big “aha” moment for me when I had my recurrence. “What?! Why did this come back? What, what was I missing?” And I learned about breast cancer stem cells and what it takes to target those. And, as I mentioned earlier, carrying on that lifestyle that allowed the healing to occur. And I stopped doing that.

I was more focused on helping other people rather than continuing to focus on my healing. And so I created the perfect storm for cancer to show up a second time. And then of course with conventional treatments, radiation chemotherapy, we know and they'll admit that it creates resistant breast cancer stem cells that can lie dormant.

And when the conditions are right, when there's too much stress, too much sugar, not enough sleep, Those stem cells wake up and they create a more aggressive cancer. And so it's really important for us to understand that and to teach our patients and our clients what it takes to prevent that recurrence because it's a huge fear.

Even if you've been given, you're cancer free, which you're not really cancer free because you still have those circulating tumor cells. There is that fear in the back of your mind, “When is it going to come back? How's it going to come back? Am I ticking time bomb?” And when we teach women that you never have to fear breast cancer again or any cancer because if you take the proper steps to create that terrain, that environment that does not allow cancer to grow, and you use specific supplements like OnKobel, OnKobel-Pro®, and some of the products that you have, as well as some other things, then, you're preventing that resurgence of those cancer stem cells. 

Personalized Cancer Treatments

Sylvie Beljanski: Speaking of treatments you were just mentioning the limitations that come with chemotherapy or radiotherapies that done destroy breast cancer cells or any other stem cells, actually, I should say. So, how do you sort what is the best treatment for a patient within everything which is available? That's a great 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: That's a great question it's very individualized one of the tests that I like to use is a form of a liquid biopsy, it's called the RGCC test which filters your blood and measures and counts your circulating tumor cells, then it grows these cells in the lab and then it, it targets 50 different natural extracts and or chemotherapy agents, if you choose to get those tested.

It also looks at the genetics of the cancer and it gives you a plan that says, X, Y, Z is very beneficial for you because it's, it's targeting your cancer cells and killing them whereas these substances are not as good.

So, it really helps you to get a targeted approach. And, OnKobel-Pro® has been tested on RGCC. I still take it, as a, on a maintenance basis because it was very targeted in my case.

Sylvie Beljanski: When you have the results of RGCC, it's showing one product or a number of products that are beneficial to you? And how do people can have access to this, to this test? Because it looks like it becomes like a no-brainer, what is going to work for you. And you do not waste time on a product that might be actually toxic and not good, will not do you any good.

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: So, they test 50, five zero, 50 different natural extracts and they change them once in a while because it is a research lab as well to see what products are most effective and you get a report that shows you with a graph, which ones are most effective and then the doctor that orders the test can help you create a protocol and three months later you remeasure to see if the circulating tumor cells go down.

And when it comes to breast cancer specifically, 5 and above means active disease and 5 and then below 5 means not as active and responding to treatment. I've seen numbers as high as 15, 16 per 7.5ml and that's a lot. And I've seen them go down, especially when they take care of the dental, their emotions they follow the program, and, we see them go down drastically.

I'm hanging around the two levels, which is, I'm very comfortable with that. In 10 years of using RGCC, I've only seen 0 cells in about 4 cases. So, it's rare that you get to zero, but it's very manageable when you're out in one or two. 

Sylvie Beljanski: And how do people, they need to see you to get, a prescription to get that.

Can you walk us on the full process? I just heard you, I am very interested. First, do I need to have an active diagnosis to do the test or can I call you and say, “Hey, Dr. V! I have breast cancer running in my family. Would the RGCC test be beneficial for you?” 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: Very good question. So, RGCC does have a Oncotrace test which looks to see which kind of cancer you have.

At this point, I believe they can diagnose through their stem cell research, or their circulating tumor cells about five cancers: breast, liver, prostate, I forget what the others are. But you must order the test through a certified RGCC doctor. And I used to be able to order the test, but they've changed their protocols, and it's only doctors with a brick and mortar office that actually draws the blood.

That doctor has to go through the training, understanding about the test, and you can order it through them. So if you just go to RGCCUSA dot com, you'll see you can find out practitioners in all over the world, if USA, if you're looking for USA, so you find a doctor, have them draw your blood, the blood goes off to Greece and you get the results in 7 to 10 business days and then you start your protocol.

Sylvie Beljanski: Okay. And when do you appear in this process with the proper recommendation? 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: When do I appear? If they're if they find a doctor to order the test for them and they get the results and they want us to create a protocol for them, we can do that for them. The treating or the ordering doctor can do it for them, but honestly I've seen a lot of them don't know what to do with the results.

So, they just haphazardly recommend this and that. But there's a process. 

Sylvie Beljanski: You are really known for your expertise with breast cancer. So, I assume, you are the expert everybody would like, concerned with breast cancer, would like to get in touch with you. 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: Yes. We do the best we can to handle all our clients and I think we do an excellent job because we come from the heart and we really care because we know what it's like to go through that journey.

So, I've got, an excellent coach, excellent team that really supports our clients in a very positive way. 

Sylvie Beljanski: I think you also have a book where people can get a lot of a lot of good advices. Can you, yes. Where can people get this book, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally?

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: Yes, so it's a… 

Sylvie Beljanski: Can you tell us about the book itself and what they can expect when they order it? 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: You can get it on Amazon. It's a number one best seller and interestingly, Nurse Oncology and Oncology was one of the categories in the number one best seller list. What can they expect? They can expect a step-by-step guide that will walk them through every aspect of healing breast cancer naturally. All the seven essentials.

I get testimonials all the time about women saying, it's the best book I've ever read on breast cancer. It's very personable because I've been through it so I can empathize and it's simple. It's not too scientific, but it's evidence based so that there's a lot of references.

Very helpful. And there's a third book eventually coming out, which is “How to Survive and Thrive – Conquering Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine”. I've, I noticed I've been doing breast cancer specifically for 12 years. And I noticed that in the last 5 to 6 years, there's been a shift in which women have all good intentions and starting out naturally.

But sometimes, for whatever reason, the cancer is very aggressive and we are seeing, and a lot of my professional colleagues are collaborating on that fact that since the pandemic, we're seeing many more types and aggressive cancers that weren't as aggressive before. Cancer has really changed and environmentally, obviously it's much more toxic too, so.

Empowering Women in Their Healing Journey

Victor Dwyer: What would be your top three things that you would tell a woman to prevent breast cancer from happening? The top three things. 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: The top three is manage your stress, heal your emotional wounds, reduce your toxic exposure. Become, become aware of the toxicity in your life. Not just chemical toxicity, but emotional toxicity, relationship toxicity. There's so many other pieces, but that's, I think those are extremely important.

Victor Dwyer: That's really interesting that psychology is the main factor. Normally, you would think it'd be like, “Oh, it's the external environment that's causing my cancer” or things like that. But, it's really interesting that your number one reason could be like the psychology of, “Hey, the stress inside of you is what's causing this cancer.”

The Emotional Aspect of Cancer

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: Yeah there's something that I call emotional cancers. If you have that inner conflict inside your body and, subconsciously, you're suppressing, it's eating away at you. And that's what cancer is. And we know with the Science of Psychoneuroimmunology, your mind and your thoughts affect your nerve system, which affects your immune system can have a huge impact on how your body heals.

And, books like “You Are the Placebo”, (Dr.) Joe Dispenza. It maps out beautifully how we have all the chemistry we need in our mind and in our body to be able to heal. And, but it's a matter of addressing those emotional wounds and addressing that stressful lifestyle so that your body has the ability and the capability to heal.

Sylvie Beljanski: So, personally in your own routine, what do you do to address and reduce the stress beside delegating to other one-on-one coaching? 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: Very good! That's a great question. I like to use the HeartMath. It's a little clip you put on your ear and it checks for heart rate variability or the, what's happening in your nerve system?

Are you sympathetic or parasympathetic? And so, when I first learned about this during my second healing journey, I thought it was a great meditator till I put that little clip on my ear and used the app on my phone. I saw that I was still in the sympathetic mode. So it trained my brain and my body to understand what it really felt like to be in that true relaxation response.

And the more you do it, then the more you are sensitive to your level of stress in your lifestyle. So, if you feel that stress coming on, say, “Nope, I'm going to take a break. I'm going to go for a walk. I'm going to get in the sunshine, do some stretches, meditate. Take a nap”, whatever it is, but, always control that, that stress level.

Prayer is very important to me, meditation, getting out in the sunshine. I'm, I like physical activity for me. It helps to reduce the stress in my body and in my mind. Drinking teas. It's just little things that you can do during the day. When you're at your computer, it doesn't have to be stressful.

Set a timer so that you're getting up every 30 minutes to, take some fresh air outside and stretch, make some tea make it a pleasurable experience, use essential oils use them in your, not fumigate, but, use the the little sprayers in your room so that you have the essential oils. I carry them right here on my desk and I use them all the time during the day. 

Victor Dwyer: Yeah. And I think in America, it's not talked about enough. It's always hustle culture of got to work hard, work harder, don't sleep like four hours is enough. And then just grind.

And I feel like at least in America, the culture is like that, where not enough is centered around peace of mind, relaxation, meditation, and things like that. And I think it's almost like a cultural thing where we try to, “Oh, you're not working 90 hours a week, what are you doing?” type of thing.

It's almost like a stress culture in general. And I think there needs to be more conversations around, like, meditation, like just relaxation. And I think that goes a long way as well. 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: People are chasing that proverbial carrot, right? It's right there.

I can be there. I can be successful when I can be happy, when those things don't work, it's now in the moment and its being content, no matter what is going on around you, learning to create happiness in your life.

One thing that really helped me in my second healing journey is a book by Dr. Carl Simonton, “Getting Well Again”. He was a radiation oncologist and he noticed that patients who were depressed or didn't have good support or didn't have a purpose in their life or they hated their jobs, did not respond very well to healing and they, their mortality rate was much higher.

So, he got to thinking, maybe there's something to this emotional part of healing the body. And he has some beautiful sayings like “Do more things that bring you joy and less things that bring you pain”. So, that's one thing I definitely am very well aware of. If it causes too much pain, I don't do it. Life is too short for that.

And then he also says that, Cancer is a message of love. It's, it's a tap on the shoulder. It's an opportunity. It's not a death sentence. It's an opportunity for you to look at your life and recognize that you can change things in your life that allow this cancer to show up.

The tumor is not the enemy. The tumor can be a teacher. And if you take that attitude and you look at this as an opportunity for change and growth to come out on the other side a happier and healthier you, it's an adventure, it's a journey and I can't tell you the majority of our clients say that breast cancer was the best thing that ever happened to them because it changed, it opened up their eyes and it changed the way they lived their life so that they weren't slaves of their work anymore or they weren't slaves to their children or their family or they created that space for them as a woman and as somebody who needed that time and space to be able to be happy. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Yeah, I heard once a cancer survivor who said she had an epiphany when she was asked “If you get better, will you go back to, will you like to go back to the life you had before?”

And she realized that no, not at all. Actually, if she had a chance to get better, she wanted to reinvent her life and reassess her priorities. And she said that this thinking was actually a time of turn around, where she allowed herself to make a kind of inventory of what was working and not working in her life and decide to, to really, to ditch a number of things, including some important relationships that were not just working for her.

But she had this moment of honesty to address everything in her life and decide what was good or bad for her. Not, in the light of our education and so on, philosophical, what should be, what honestly works for me. 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: Yeah. There's a five step process by Dr. Douglas Brodie called The Cancer Personality and we encourage our clients to take a look at that because most of them have those personality traits and one of them is you're a people pleaser and you're putting other people first before yourself. You don't manage your stress properly.

You don't have good relationships with your parents or your spouse. You have, you don't handle your stress in a healthy way. You use drugs or alcohol or sex or over exercise or whatever. And once you become aware that, “Wow, I've got those traits”, then you can take proactive steps to change that.

And you're right, when you, the cancer survivor that you mentioned, sometimes you lose your, or you choose not to have certain relationships in your life anymore because you see how negative they are and how unhealthy they are. 

So, a diagnosis really can open up your eyes to a new way of life and new opportunities. And it's exciting. It really is. And so when women come to us, they're often like deer in headlights, especially if they've just been diagnosed or, perhaps they've done conventional and they're still not doing well. And they're afraid because all they've heard is, this is not good, or you have X amount of time to live, or, we have no control. We've done everything we can do. We give them hope because when there's and a realization that there is a different way and there's a better way that can support your healing, not just kill the cancer, but to take the approach that “Let's get to that root cause of what allowed this cancer to grow” and that cancer can go away.

It's here temporarily to teach you a lesson not in a negative way. I don't mean that in a guilt way, but to, to show you that how you've lived your life perhaps hasn't worked for you. And now it's an opportunity to change that, so the cancer can go away. 

Creating a Guilt-Free Healing Space

Sylvie Beljanski: I like very much your use of the word guilt, because there is so much pressure put on women to be good daughters and good wives and good mothers and good everything. And they are absolutely exhausted and frustrated, and angry at the end because they have been good to everybody else except themselves. And there is also, they allow all those voices when they get sick also to pitch in and tell them you should do this, you should do that, you should not do that, you should this, so that doctor.

And I feel that providing them with a guilt-free space. and reinforcing the importance that they have to make their own choices and being responsible, fully responsible for their own choices, their relationships, but also their treatment is absolutely key to, taking ownership is absolutely key to set them free.

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: Yes, and I love that you mentioned that because in the natural healing world, evidence based natural medicine, there is a lot of prejudice because they say, “Oh, I would never do chemo. I would never do any of those things. Those are toxic. I'm going to do everything naturally.” But I've tried to create, especially in the last 4 or 5 years to create that space where women can come to us and it's not, there's no right or wrong, it's what you believe works for you.

So, if you chose chemotherapy as your initial treatments, but now you're coming to us because you want to help, neutralize those side effects or you want to get to the root cause now that the cancer is “gone”, so to speak. And so it's important to create that safe space where there's no guilt.

It's your choice. It's your decision. We'll support you in whatever decision you make, but you've got to be proactive. You can't just say “I've got a tumor that's nine centimeters, but I don't want surgery”. That's not being proactive. That's not being responsible. That's the time when you need to do something to reduce that toxic burden.

So it's so important, yeah, to create that safe space and to support women where they are and the choices that they make. 

Sylvie Beljanski: So, people who want to reach out to you and get into this safe space that you are creating for them. How do they do that? 

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: So they can go to our website and we have different options. You can do online training, you can do a 10-week group coaching, you can do one-on-one.

They can email support@breastcancerconqueror and talk to ginger. You actually can talk to a live person. You just have to tell us when the best time to call is. And she'll navigate, help you navigate the different options and what your choice would be. It's nice to be able to talk to the live person. 

Sylvie Beljanski: You. took the stage in Jacksonville at the conference we had at The Beljanski Integrative Conference. And you were absolutely a phenomenal speaker. Do you have some, some upcoming places where people can come to listen to you?

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: I've minimized my, my travel. I did yours because I support your work and it was in Florida. So, mostly the speaking that I'm doing now is virtual. I'm slowed down the getting on the plane mode.

Sylvie Beljanski: Okay. If you are speaking somewhere, please let us know. We will advertise the information because I think that just listening to you can make a lot of difference to a lot of women because your journey as a doctor, as a patient is absolutely unique and you provide a message of hope, of love that, that is transformational.

Conclusion: A Transformational Message

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, DC: Thank you, Sylvie. I appreciate that.

Victor Dwyer: Yeah. Thank you so much, Dr. V for coming on. That's all we have time for today. So, thank you so much for joining. Thank you for sharing all that experience and all that knowledge on breast cancer. Thank you so much for that. And for the audience, this is The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show.

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