The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show

Episode 6: A Deep Dive Into EMF Awareness And Earthing Energy with Dr. Henry Ealy, ND

The Beljanski Foundation Season 1 Episode 6

In this episode of The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show, hosts Sylvie and Victor sit down with Dr. H from the Energetic Health Institute as they delve into the dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and offer practical strategies for protection through earthing.

Dr. H shares insights from his career on healing capabilities and the impact of EMFs. The conversation focuses on the science of earthing or grounding, demonstrating how connecting to the Earth's electrical energy can mitigate the harmful effects of EMFs.

They discuss the importance of grounding for improving well-being and supporting cancer recovery, highlighting specific solutions like grounding sleep systems that everyone can implement to safeguard against EMF exposure. This comprehensive session aims to empower listeners with knowledge and actionable steps to enhance their health in today's electronically saturated environment.

Tune in now!


🌟 Join us for the EMFs & Earthing Virtual Solution Summit on May 25th! 🌱 Discover trusted solutions to protect yourself and your loved ones from harmful EMFs. With over 10,000 hours of research, Drs. Ardis, Group, Ealy & Schmidt are back to unveil groundbreaking insights and life-changing strategies.

Whether you're concerned about 5G or curious about effective protection, this event is a game-changer! Secure your spot today and say goodbye to EMF anxiety!

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Introduction to EMF Awareness and Earthing Energy

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Yes, your laptop sitting on your lap, ungrounded, will contribute to cancer formation. I can definitively state that.

Victor Dwyer: Welcome to today's episode of The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show. In today's episode titled, “A Deep Dive in EMF Awareness and Earthing Energy,” Sylvie and I are honored to welcome the Founder of the Energetic Health Institute, Dr. H. 

Dr. H is privileged to work directly with people recovering from the devastating effects of internalized emotion, chemical pollution, and genetic bioweapons.

Throughout his career, he has educated millions on unlocking the inherent healing capabilities residing within every cell of their bodies. Join us as we explore Dr. H's invaluable insights surrounding EMFs and earthing and learn practical strategies to enhance your well being. 

Dr. H's Journey and Insights on EMFs

Sylvie Beljanski: Hello, Dr. H! You gave us an awesome conference at the Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference in Jacksonville.

So I really, I am excited to have you today on the Beljanski Cancer Talk Show. And I would like you to tell us more about you and what you are doing because it was really, really interesting. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Amen. Well, Sylvie, thank you so much for having me and thank you so much for the invitation out to Beljanski in Jacksonville.

It was an incredible trip out there. I actually was taking the train home from the Beljanski and so much incredible information just downloaded through me. Um, while, while I was going home, it was just this magical time one morning on an Amtrak riding and I, I was just in this wonderful, loving space to be able to receive it because there was so much love at the conference.

It was so easy to feel, and I'm just such a fan of everything that you and your father, have, have been doing for so many years to help so many people. It's just an honor to be on here right now. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Thank you. Thank you very much. But today I would like you to tell us more about EMF and what it is, what people should know and maybe worry about.

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Well I'm going to tell you, um, let me, let me tell you, the, how we got to here ‘cause I think it could give some context for everyone. We all know there's something wrong with the electromagnetic fields, right? We all intuitively know it. It was very dis, disconcerting for me in 2020 for there to supposedly be a global pandemic.

But then when we come out of our homes, there's all these 5G towers up in our neighborhoods and me going, well, where's the environmental impact study? Where's the health impact study? What do we know about this technology and what it's doing to us at a, cellular level, right? And what we, what I had to do is I had to put that on hold because we had to be more concerned about SARS CoV 2 virus and then later these shots that have come on the scene and just asking, I think, really good adult level questions, which is, you know, what are these doing to our body?

Well, we've noticed a phenomenon, I, I'm one of the, I'm one of the people in the world that works very closely with people who are severely injured by the, the new shots that have been introduced, the mRNA and the adenoviral vector platforms. And one of the things we would see with them is they'd start getting better, and then they would regress really, really hard, and then they would start getting better and then they would regress really, really hard. And I haven't seen that in my career. I've been at this about 25 years working with people.

And so that was new for me. And so we start, how we have to get into, well, what's, what's the, what's going on? How do we explain what's happening? 

Well, after we, we did a really cool conference last year before the Beljanski conference called Healing for the Ages, really, really phenomenal conference and great public support. We had like over 10,000 people, you know, in attendance. It was a wonderful experience for us.

What came very clear was by the end of the conference, our audience wanted us to delve into EMFs, electromagnetic fields, very, very much. And one of the things that they wanted us to do is tell us what we can do to shield from these electromagnetic frequencies, right?

The Ineffectiveness of EMF Shielding Products

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: And so we started buying all kind of the top stuff out there.

You know what I mean? Like, I'm not going to name any companies, but we started naming, like, we started buying all their products that were supposedly blocking, shielding these EMFs and making our homes safer and our experiences safer. And when I started testing them, none of them passed any of our basic tests, none of them were doing what they said they were doing. So then…

Sylvie Beljanski: Excuse me, yeah, excuse me, if I'm going to interrupt when you said none of them was passing any of our basic steps, so what kind of tests were you…

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Oh, great! Yes. Simple test. Like, so you'll get a, you'll get a device, like some, let's say it's a simple bag, a Faraday bag, right, that you can put your phone in and you can see, you know, it's a, it'll say 99 percent reduction in EMFs in electromagnetic fields, right?

So, what are electromagnetic fields, electricity, magnetic fields created by that electricity. So, when an electric signal goes in a direction, there's a magnetic field that emanates around it, okay? And then also radio frequencies or RF fields. So, you know, we're talking at that point, we're talking about now 5G phones.

We're talking about routers, wireless routers, wireless technology, things like that, 5G towers in the neighborhoods. Well, when we, when we test something, the basic test is first has to be when I put that phone, for example, in the Faraday bag, does, do the EMFs coming off the phone go down? So, we'll use a basic thing like a tri field for that first level of testing.

And I'll test the phone before, and then I put it in the bag and I test it after. And what we're looking for is a reduction in that electromagnetic field. We check elect, electricity, magnetism, and radio frequency. So, we check the three basics. What we were finding is that none of the shielding equipment that was out there, and that's quite pricey to be honest with you, actually did anything significant to reduce the EMFs coming off the phones, coming off of computers, coming off of routers and so forth. Now, to be fair, we haven't tested every single thing out there. So, um, there might be a unicorn out there, that, that does work. We just haven't found it yet.

But we did test the top companies and that was very concerning for me and I actually spent a couple of months really upset about this because people are spending a lot of money thinking they're doing something when, in some cases, our tests showed that the shielding device actually amplified the EMFs coming off of the phone and that became very concerning for us.

So, um, when we, when we're looking at this phenomenon, um, I then went and said, well, we, we started doing some more research on, on this topic, ‘Applications of Quantum Dots in Biology and Medicine’. So we are, we started getting into a topic called semiconductors, you know, so for instance, metals like iron or copper or silver or gold, these are things that are highly biocompatible with our cell structure, and they operate as semiconductors.

They can conduct electricity, which means that they can determine how electrons move in the body, okay, for example. 

Understanding the Human Body as Battery and Antenna

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Um, the thing we want to understand about this beautiful thing we live within the human body is that we're both battery and antenna. Our batteries are our cells and our, our, specifically our DNA within ourselves, that's where we have a lot of accumulated charge. Um, but our antenna is our nervous system. So, we are both battery and antenna, okay? What we have learned is that, um, and through further reading of, I really have been, fallen in love with the research done by, in the early 1900s, Georges Lakhovsky, and the later research, most recently, by Dr. Robert Becker.

Dr. Robert Becker wrote a book called ‘The Body Electric’. Wonderful book for everybody in your audience to read. It really has some phenomenal understanding of the electrical nature of our body.

Well, in reading the work on quantum dots and reading the work of Lakhovsky and Becker and these people, brilliant minds, far smarter than I am.

It became very interesting to learn what some of what they were talking about and that was the incredible importance for us to ground our bodies. So think of it like this, Sylvie, before 1835, there was no such thing as alternating current. All that the world had, both mother earth and the human body was direct current.

Now, direct current is, runs in one direction, and is very steady, right? Very slow, very steady, gets a lot done, but because it's a current, it creates a magnetic field. So yes, this thing, the East talks about with auras and all this other stuff, what they're really talking about is the magnetic field of the human body.

It's why we can put our hands out and not touch and still feel other people, right? It's how we know somebody's got good energy or doesn't have good energy. We can feel it in terms of the magnetic fields that we emit, okay? In 1835, though, alternating current comes on the scene and, of course, the world goes crazy for it because it gives us something we had never had before - tangible, long distance electricity.

By 1894, Niagara Falls is powering up New York, thanks to Tesla, right? This is, changes the world, but the questions weren't being asked at what cost to the human health. Now, back in 1894, not a lot's going on there. This isn't a predominant topic, but you get into post World War II and now we're all electricity all the time.

You get into the late 1990s and early 2000s and now we are plugged in 24/7s with our computers, with our phones, you know, things like that. It is a 24-hour experience, so what's the cost?

Well, we started doing some measurements where we included the human body in, as a part of this circuit, so here's what I did, everybody, to make it super simple.

And we do have a free EMF guide and I'll share that with everybody a little bit later. 

The Science of Grounding Explained

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: I said, what happens when I just simply take my shoes off and stand on grass? What's actually happening from an electrical perspective? So, that's why one of these little multimeters comes in really handy because you can actually measure it.

Well, when I plug into Mother Earth and I make myself a part of the measurable circuit, when I'm, my feet are on the grass, all of the alternating current that I'm being exposed to with EMFs, goes right into the ground. It has no effect any fur, any longer on my body. This was the exact thing people are trying to create with shielding. Shielding, in my professional opinion, doesn't work, but grounding…

Sylvie Beljanski: Okay, can you define, can you define shielding?

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Shielding, Sylvie, would be like you put on a shirt, for instance, and it supposedly blocks the EMFs that are hitting you so that they can't get through the shirt and into your cells. 

Sylvie Beljanski: So it refers also to all the little devices that, or big devices that you tested.

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Yes.

Sylvie Beljanski: And were, ineffective or, completely a big scam or to, not very effective. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: At the very best, not very effective. It may be a scam. But at the very best, not very effective. 

Sylvie Beljanski: And grounding will be a little bit like the three, the three prong plug where was there is one and the round one in the middle is for connecting to, to Earth. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: To the earth, you got it! A hundred percent, right?

So, that's like right now, I'm on my laptop and it's plugged in, I'm gonna unplug it right now, but it's plugged in and it's got three prongs on it, so that third prong at the bottom is the one for the ground. So, now my computer is grounded, okay? So, when I'm touching it, I'm technically kind of grounded too.

It's just that plug isn't very efficient actually, but it's, it still does do a little bit, a little bit of good, okay? If I'm using my laptop without it being plugged in and, even worse, putting it on my lap, we learn two things and all the testing we've done. Like, if I go to the, what I used to do, I used to sit on the couch, right?

Put on a TV or put on some music and start typing away, right, with my computer unplugged. Well, now we know coming off the bottom of the computer is a dramatic magnetic field that we know is a hundred times stronger than the cells can endure and is going to induce cellular changes in the DNA and the shape of the cell.

So, yes, your laptop sitting on your lap, ungrounded, will contribute to cancer formation. I can definitively state that, and we have studies that show it as well. So, we now know based upon our testing, what our habits need to be. ‘Cause you don't have to give up this equipment or be afraid of it or be afraid of EMFs, but you do have to understand what's going on and why shielding doesn't work, but grounding is fantastic, okay? So, let me…

Sylvie Beljanski: Except, except, except that you are saying that the plugs are not very effective. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: They're not very effective, but we can accentuate it. We can add something into the environment to make it the most effective it can be. Okay, and I'll measure this. Let's measure it. 

Demonstrating the Effects of EMFs and Grounding

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Let's do a little, let's do a little measurement test because this is a little bit easier for people to see, and I don't, I don't want people to feel like you got to take my word for it, right?

You don't have to take my word for it. So what I have right here is I have a multimeter, okay? I'm going to do my best to show you what we're seeing right there, but you can see right now it's on alternating current, right? You see that right there? Okay. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Yeah. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: So what I want to do is I want to show you what current, first and foremost, that the human body runs on, that it doesn't run on alternating current. It runs on direct current. Let's start there.

So, I'm going to actually take this probe, the ground or the common probe, and touch it to my nose, and I'm going to hold the other probe on the end so we can see what my voltage potential is in AC. Okay, here we go. So, I got this on. Let me, let me get myself set up here. So I got it, and see if I can hold this.

There we go. Okay, do you see that? Zero. We do not run an alternating current. We run on, when I switch over, we run on direct current. Everybody see that? Okay.

Now, now let's have a little bit more fun. I am going to show you right now what we typically are immersed in because what happens is a competition. EMFs are constantly emitting alternating current onto us. We have an antenna in our body called the nervous system. We're constantly receiving AC in these EMFs and these invisible EMFs. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Okay. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: When I'm ungrounded, which I am right now, we get to see how the AC current from the EMFs throws off the DC current of the body.

So, here, let's do a quick little thing right here. I'm going to go back to AC mode. I'm now ungrounding my computer. I've unplugged it and I've unplugged my grounding mat underneath my computer. That's the device that accentuates it. I am going to use that plug right here to ground my com, to establish a ground for the multimeter.

And, now I am going to show you what EMFs I am in right now. Here we go. Sylvie, can you see that? 

Sylvie Beljanski: So, 60, 69, 71…

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Right? 

Sylvie Beljanski: 66. Oh, 2000, 2…

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Two, it's about, it's about two volts.

Sylvie Beljanski: Okay. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Two volts. Okay. Now that's incredibly high right now. And that's with me not touching my computer. I'm just standing next to everything.

Watch what happens when I actually touch my computer.

Sylvie Beljanski: Can you put a little bit closer to your face? Wow, three, three volts! 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: You see that? Okay. Now, that's because I'm touching a computer that's ungrounded and I am basically the, the EMFs coming off the computer are trying to find a way to ground and they are trying to find it through my body. So, my voltage goes way up.

Voltage that high is going to disrupt the cellular environment in this way. When I'm exposing myself to an alternating current. Oh, let me show you one other thing here. When I'm exposing myself to that alternating current, it starts throwing off my DC current, okay, cause now we get into a competition.

All right. And you're just going to see, I switched it over to DC. I want you to see how my DC now starts jumping all over the place. See how it can't get stable. It's just jumping. My body is now being in, impeded upon by the EMFs. Now it gets worse when I touch the ungrounded computer. It starts jumping all over the place because I have all of this alternating current jumping into my body, trying to find a way to get back to mother earth, okay?

Victor Dwyer: So, question with that. So, um, you said the electricity is basically like competing through the body. So, would that mean, like, for example, with our nervous system, why would the signal, if the electric current is going through our body and finding our way down, if it went through the nervous system, wouldn't we basically, like, you know, like why, why aren't we shocked? I guess. What's the difference between like, basically being shocked and having it travel through our bodies? 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Right. Um, it's a great, it's a great question. You actually are being shocked. It's just not at a point of, of causing immediate pain. And it's because of the, the size of the current right now.

Victor, so what's, what's happening, Victor, is that you're being exposed to nanoamps and picoamps, very, very small doses of alternating current, not enough to cause immediate major cell damage, but enough for your body to perceive a threat and engage the sympathetic fight or flight nervous system and a substantial cortisol release.

And we know this from a number of studies that were done in the late sixties and seventies, trying to establish that these were safe and they only actually proved that they weren't at these low levels, okay? So, you actually are being shocked, but it's not shocked with like, let's say 10, 10 amps of current, which if you put your finger in a sock, it would be like, “Whoa!,” right?

You're just being hit a little bit. Does that make sense? Okay?

Victor Dwyer: Yeah. And how does it compare to your nervous system electricity that your nervous system produces? Because obviously there's a natural, I know that's, that's, what you called like, I think it was like direct current.

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Right?

Victor Dwyer: So I guess, like, even though that technically throws it off, and wouldn't that technically only affect the nervous system?

What if you have skin cancer or blood cancer or any of these others? How would that, how does that, how would the EMFs impact those cells? 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Great questions, right? 

The Impact of Grounding on Health and Well-being

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: So in a number of ways, but let me first show you the comparison with everything grounded first, so everybody can see the difference. And then let's come up right back to that question.

Cause that's something where I hope everybody in your audience pulls out a notebook. Let's start talking about it because this is one of the messages I want to get out to every doctor out there like Dr. Tony and everybody who's doing such a great job with the cancer therapeutics that, now with 5G as a new variable, we have to be into grounding and we have a solution that we've developed for this for everybody as well.

So here, let me show you a comparison now. I've plugged my computer back in, right, Sylvie? So, now it's grounded through that third plug and I reestablished the ground, I have a grounding mat underneath my computer right now, so I have two ways to get this EMF out of my computer, right? Now, remember what we saw. First, alternating current, the man made, when I was, when I was just, not touching the computer, the alternating current for me was about 1.9 to 2, right? Now that the computer's grounded, let's see what I'm being exposed to now. Whoops, sorry, Sylvie. There you go. How's that? 

Sylvie Beljanski: Wow, 0. 7! We are under 1 volt. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: So, that's an improvement, right? Now watch what happens when I touch my computer instead of it raising the voltage, it is now going to drop it. You see that? 

Sylvie Beljanski: Wow! 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: And that's just me touching it with a thumb not my whole hand. So, what's…

Sylvie Beljanski:  Because now, now your own current is looking a way to an exit to the ground.

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND:  You got it! You nailed it. Look at that. You got it! Right! So, now, how many you've probably felt like this, Sylvie, you know, we've had, we have some long days sometimes, right? Where we're in front of our computer for like eight, 10 hours, right? Work and work and work and work and work and, right? And how do we usually feel by the end of the day?

I don't know about you. I'll, I'll feel wiped out. I'm exhausted, right? Like, “Whoa, that was a lot of work!” right? Well, some of that exhaustion is you've been getting hit with low level, Victor, of those currents all day long and your body's been trying to fight them off and you are exhausted from that fight all day.

So, what if I told you just by keeping your computer plugged in and putting a little grounding mat under it, now, instead of you getting hit with those EMFs and the alternating current coming with them all day, it just grounded out. Now, when I'm done for the day, I'm not exhausted. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Can you show us?

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely! Here, I'm going to just change the, I'm going to, I'm going to move this over so people can kind of see right now. You see that right there? I just have a, I have a grounding mat, a Hooga grounding mat, right underneath my computer. 

Sylvie Beljanski: So, yeah, it's like what you were putting to protect the desk a few years ago when we were writing with, when you were not born, but I do remember this time. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: I was born. I'm a little older. Yeah, I got it. But yeah, that's what, it's that, but because it's, it's connected to the grounding outlet in your home. You know, and of course, this assumes that your house is wired properly and everything, of course, right? But now… 

Sylvie Beljanski: So, how is it… So, so, so, okay, so how is this mat, is actually grounded? By what magical operation this mat is grounded? 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Well, it, I wish I could say it was magic, but it's just a simple wire. So, connected to this mat, there's a, this, this thing I had shown you, this, this little plug right here. I just clip, I just clip it on there and the other end of it is plugged into the grounding part of the outlet.

So it, so now, this, this mat that has some conductive capability can now reach the ground. It can actually get to the ground for the home. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Can you show us again the plug? 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Yeah, yeah, for sure.


Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: It's a, it's, and it's a plug that comes with every grounding mat, but it's just in this, and then the other end of this connects to the outlet. 

Sylvie Beljanski: So, how do you use this plug?

Exploring Grounding Mats: How They Work

Sylvie Beljanski: Can you put it on the side?

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Yeah

Sylvie Beljanski: So, how, how do you use that? Does it goes on, on an outlet or, or what? 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Yeah, exactly. The other end of that wire connects to the outlet so that the mat is grounded.

You need to get a special mat. You can't just grab any old thing and connect something to it. You have to get a special grounding mat, but they're only like 30 bucks, you know? They're not expensive compared to the shielding. 

Sylvie Beljanski: What I still missing is how this round little capsule goes into the outlet. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Oh, because the other end of it, Sylvie, has a plug right here.

Sylvie Beljanski: Ah, there is a hidden secret, I knew it!

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Yeah, see it has a, this end goes into the outlet and that just goes into the outlet over there.

Sylvie Beljanski: Okay, I see, I see. 

Understanding Grounding: From Basics to Building Floors

Victor Dwyer: And what's the difference between standing on the ground of my house? Because, hypothetically, wouldn't the ground of my house be grounded as well, or not? 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: If it's, yeah, Victor, if it, if you were direct, if it's just concrete with no paint on it, yes, that's true. As soon as you put carpet on the top or paint on top or tile on top, now it's no longer grounded because those are acting as insulators from the ground.

Victor Dwyer: Okay

Sylvie Beljanski: Okay, so if you are…

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Right, exactly! No, I love that face Victor. That's it, right? Cause you're like, yeah, that actually makes a little sense, right? 

Sylvie Beljanski: So, so, but forget about it if you are in a New York high rise. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Not necessarily, because we have people in, that live on the 9th and 20th floors and things like that.

If, as long as the building, Sylvie, is grounded properly, and the, the wiring, the electricity, electrical wiring is done properly, it doesn't matter which floor you're on, you can still connect to the ground. 

Maximizing Grounding Benefits: Work and Sleep Environments

Sylvie Beljanski: And, and for example, could I use one of those mats and put them under my feet all day long while working?

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Yes, you could! But here's what you want to consider. If you're working on a plastic keyboard, you know, some people are working on wireless keyboards and stuff like that, right? Then yes, put the mat under your feet. And then any EMFs, any alternating current that's hitting you will just go right down into the mat.

But, if you're working on a computer that has a metallic frame, like my computer has a metallic frame, right? I want the computer to be my grounding source. So, anything that is hitting me doesn't have to run through my body. It can just go straight out through my fingertips. As it comes in, it just goes right back out into the ground.

So, we have this in our EMF guide and we're in on May 25th. We're going to be doing a, EMF and Earthing Virtual Solution Summit for, at Healing For The A.G.E.S. We definitely want Beljanski to get signed up for it and be affiliates. So folks, I'd say, let me help them get all their stuff out to you before you go and sign up for it, so we can make sure we're keeping all of our partners involved in everything.

But the idea is actually really simple. We're going to have simple pictures, Sylvie, so people can see like, this is the correct setup, this is not the correct setup, you know, cause it's, it's a little complex, right? And there's a, there's some nuance to all this.

So, what we want people to understand is the big concept today. And the big concept is really simple. 

The Science of Grounding: EMFs and Health Impacts

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: We can test and prove conclusively that grounding is the best shield you will ever have. And what's so awesome about this, Sylvie, is when you are grounded, what's happening for you is now your body's direct current gets to work and your cells get out of this mode.

Let me describe this for you, for everybody watching. Let me describe this because it's a fun one, alright? When you are getting hit with alternating current in these EMFs, because that's what's happening, even if it's just nanocurrent or picocurrent or whatever, even if it's just a little bit, your body's going into fight or flight mode. So, your cortisol levels are going to go up until your adrenals get exhausted. And we know everybody recovering from cancer needs those adrenals on board, right?

So, what happens is this. So, Sylvie, me and you, you came over to my house, you said, “Dr. H, I need you to drive me all the way back to Florida. We got to hit, get to this conference 3000 miles away.”

I said, “Sylvie, I gotcha! Get in the vehicle. Let's go!” And we get in, you buckle up, I buckle up and then I punch on the gas, and then six feet later, I slam on the brakes and then you lurch forward, and you look at me like I'm a crazy person, and then I slam on the gas and we go another six feet, and then I slam on the brakes.

And I do this all the way down the street. Sylvie, you look over me, at me at the end of the block. And you're like, “What are you doing, crazy person?” And I say, “Oh, I'm just demonstrating what alternating current does to our cells. It puts us in stop or start mode. I'm going to be driving like this 3,000 miles all the way to Florida. Do you want to get in or do you want to get out?”

What are you going to say?

Sylvie Beljanski: Out, please!

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: “Out! Get me out of this, away from this crazy person!” Right? That's what grounding does. Grounding takes you out of that stop-start mode that your cells get stuck in all day long so that now they can just work in that smooth, direct current and heal.

Grounding Solutions: From Sleep Systems to EMF Shields

Sylvie Beljanski: Okay, so doctor, I think you have made very clear to our audience what the problem is, so, but what now that they have, they are concerned, what, what solution can, can you offer? 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Oh, great! Well, now you're talking my game, right here, cause I like coming with solutions that really, really help people. Let me go ahead and, I'm going to pull up a little link right here.

Okay. Now I'm going to pull it up on screen. Let's go ahead here, select the window, entire screen, allow. This is how I work, everybody. I talk my way through it all. I'm old. Okay. So, when you go to that link and, Victor, can you see this right now? Is it sharing?

Victor Dwyer: Yep, yep, we can see it.

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Okay. So you'll see your guide and what we have on here is a free video right here, ‘Your Greatest “Shield” Against EMFs’ right here. It's actually mother Earth. You can sign up right here to get your free EMF guide, and then it'll take you to a ‘Thank you’ page where there'll be a second video. And then after that video, some companies that we've already tested on how to set things up, how to set up your workstation, but more importantly, how to set up what we have termed a grounding sleep system.

Now, one of the things that I'm really proud of here, Sylvie, and I promise you I will never sleep any other way ever again, is I've been able to put together a way of grounding all night long that is highly efficient. So, and we can measure and prove that it works, so what happens is you take your mattress and you're going to put a grounding mat on top of your mattress. And there's some great companies we've tested it, the products work, and we have other people around the world who followed up, tested with us. These work, they knock out all the alternating current. It's just gone. Okay. And then on top of that, you put a sheet, a grounding sheet, and now you get the comfort of a sheet and the effectiveness of a mat put together so that for eight hours long, your body is completely EMF free. There's no competition between the AC and the DC.

And what we've seen is this very interesting phenomenon occurs that happens identical to what happens when we actually have our shoes off and we're just standing on some grass.

The AC current goes right into the ground. So, the voltage AC shows zero and your body's voltage DC actually becomes increasingly more negative. It becomes increasingly more negative because remember I told you you are a battery too. You are literally filling yourself up full of electrons. You are literally recharging your batteries in this experience.

And that's what happens when we're earthing. You are literally getting rid of the EMFs and recharging your batteries simultaneously. And we can measure this and it is reproducible. And what's so exciting is it is a universal human phenomenon. It's not just something that happens for me, but doesn't happen for somebody else. It works for all of us. It's how God designed us, which is super exciting.

EMFs and Earthing Virtual Solution Summit

We have some stuff we're gonna release at this conference on, “Healing for the A.G.E.S.” on May 25th. So, anybody that's on right now or watching on a replay, please go to Healing for the Ages. We'll give you the Beljanski, I'd say it's probably going to be Beljanski, the promo code, but we'll make sure you guys get signed up today for it.

So, everybody can get a discount and you all get the affiliate commission. We want, we want win, win, wins everywhere, okay? But the idea is this, we're gonna release, cause we've, we got some really powerful microscopes. A lot of people are using standard microscopes. We actually spent over 50,000 on some microscopes that only pharmaceutical companies have.

And we started looking at the blood to see what happens when a person has their phone on all day versus when they are grounding at night and just look at the blood and what's different. Sylvie, I'm sure you've seen the, the dark field microscopy where you see the stack of coins, the rouleaux formation, right?

All right. See, I can speak French too, rouleaux.

Um, we can, we have proven that grounding. eliminates the rouleaux formation. And what we're going to share at the conference is the situations and how long you have to do it for to get there. But the thing is, if you sleep on a grounding sleep system, you are doing that for yourself, literally every single night. And so that becomes essential to anyone in cancer recovery. It is an absolute essential, in my professional opinion, that every single person who is recovering from cancer needs to be grounding at night and then all day long to minimize the damage that EMFs are doing to their body and getting in the way of their recovery process.

All right. I hope that makes sense. Hope I said that. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Absolutely. And, and since, since you are a doctor, I mean, do you continue to see patients? Can, do you have patients wanting to, to know how they are doing? You were mentioning those doulo, with not everybody can, you know, be at coffee at morning, can see their doulo, but how can you do, do that for, do you do that for your patients?

Do you follow up with them on the progress that they are making at detoxifying from those EMF? How does it work? 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: You know, um, for me, let me, let me, I just sent this over. I just put that affiliate signup link for you, Victor, in there. So, you guys can sign, if you wanted to sign up right now and we can give the promo code for everybody, um, for Beljanski. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Yes. I mean, Nick will, Nick is going to take care of that right away. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Yeah, Sylvie, for me, I got, I'm really into the energy of words, like when I, when you all invited me down to Beljanski, to the conference, you know, we were sharing that and you know, I don't take patients anymore, but I do take students and that's what I, that's the mentality I want to get people recovering into, into immediately because it's like, you, you, you are now a student, you have to heal.

And we don't want you outsourcing your control over your decision making or your, um, your, that really, that wonderful freedom to someone else, because you're the one that has to live with the decisions you make, you know, I mean, that's what it comes down to. So, we've developed a certification called “The Art of Cellular Healing” that I would definitely recommend for every single person who's recovering.

And we take them through really about 12 lessons. So, 12 weeks, um, I worked with them for three months, helping to get everything set up, and I think it's a perfect adjunct for anyone who's working with somebody like Dr. Tony or, or one of your wonderful recommended doctors. Like, now you have somebody that's learning as a student and has this wonderful supervision of an expert, you know, with this.

And what we're talking about is the first thing, believe it or not, where we start with now with everybody is getting their grounding sleep system set up. For me, I don't even want to talk about supplementation, or anything like that until I know that you aren't in a constant competition with EMFs. I want to make sure that is not a variable you're dealing with.

Then, the next thing we take them through is how to purify their water. It's a fun thing we called making home-brewed, holy water. So, we show them how to take their tap water and make it cleaner than anything they can purchase at the store, and we actually have tested this to prove it. And then start involving some of Masaru Emoto's work on structuring of the water and we show how the water actually structures itself after you have purified it.

So, the first steps for us are actually eliminating EMFs and eliminating the alternating current. And then the second thing we take people through in “The Art of Cellular Healing,” since our bodies are really about three quarters water, we take them through purifying their water and structuring it.

Structuring helps to improve how their cells communicate with each other. Now we can talk about organic foods. Now we can talk about supplementation and targeted supplementation. Now we can talk about those things because the ultimate conversation, as you know, Sylvie, we're going to have to get into is the emotion of what got you into this situation in the first place.

But we've eliminated the variables that constantly have caused people recovering from very serious challenges that constantly, caught, puts them into a state of regression or gets them to the point where that's the wall and they just can't seem to get any further. Now we've gotten those variables out. Now let's talk about what's really going on. 

Sylvie Beljanski: And those emotions, also, affected also by the EMF. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Correct.! 

Sylvie Beljanski: Because when you're up and when you are exhausted fighting the energies around you, how can you be loving and caring. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: You got it! 

Personal Testimonies: The Transformative Power of Grounding

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: You know one of my favorite testimonials we've gotten about the sleep system, Sylvie?

Can I read one to you? I gotta, I gotta read you one. I get a, I get a testimonial every day about the sleep system. All right. I get one, somebody's like, “Oh my God! This has changed my life,” right? But, let me, my favorite one I have gotten is from one of my students, um, who was talking about, um, what it, what it meant for her son, right? The impact of it upon her son.

Let me go to it right now. I'm just scrolling through it. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Okay. Here we go. All right. Let me make sure I get the whole thing. Okay. Here it is.

"A joyful teary moment today I wanted to share as I couldn't have achieved this without everyone's support and help. My son tells me today, 'Mama, this was the best day at a long time when our baby died and you got sick. It was hard, but things are getting better. If we could keep doing today everyday, I know we could really have a happy life.' I homeschool him and since all this has happened, I've used online home-schooling programs for his education because I haven't had the capacity to educate him myself as I did before, which he absolutely loved, but today I did. It was a normal home-schooling day the way things used to be and I had enough energy to even play with him this evening outside and, most importantly, I was able to be engaged with him at his level and stamina, and it's taken over 2 and a half years to get there. Things are changing. I woke up the other day and felt so overwhelmed with "I'm ready to live and thrive" that this is just a really big difference, and I'm no longer living to just survive."

Sylvie Beljanski: That’s beautiful!
Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: You know, those are the ones right that do it for you, right?

Sylvie Beljanski: And what you are speaking about, the solutions that you are mentioning today, I mean a mat, a mat under the computer, a mat in the bed, a protecting sheet, it's very kind of doable. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: How easy is that? 

Sylvie Beljanski: It's very doable. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: It's, it's super simple. And you know, what got exciting for me, Sylvie, because I spent about, I'd say I've spent about five months researching all this reading, testing, you know, figuring out what's going on, trying, you know, we've spent over 20,000, you know, just on products, testing different products and stuff like that.

Seeing what works differently, what didn't work. The thing that got really discouraging to me and my team knows my research team knows because I'd be frustrated. We go into a meeting and I'm just getting so upset because people are spending thousands of dollars on shielding equipment. And I'm like, I can prove in, two seconds, that it's not working, you know, and it was getting so frustrating.

And then I stumbled upon something while I was reading about quantum dots and what quantum dots do is they're little, you know, semiconductors that are man made that have a, in my opinion, have a real evil intention to them, alright?

But what they do is when the EMFs hit them, the alternating current hits them, they actually charge up and create a cloud around them, a cloud, a cloud that attracts electrons from the body, from the cell, and then traps the electrons into that cloud. So, what a lot of people don't know, and I hope our education is going to evolve soon, is that every single biochemical function in your body is dependent upon electrons.

If those electrons are trapped by these quantum dot semiconductors that are so small that they can embed into the cell, then now you have an invisible threat, or a seemingly invisible threat, that people won't even realize are causing them great distress in their body. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Yeah, it's, every cell is losing its integrity.

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: You, you got it. And so what I, so I was reading this one article out of this book here, the applications, where they're just going gaga over what quantum dots can do to deliver chemotherapeutic drugs and all this other stuff. And I'm like, “Wow, this is a terrible idea!” because a lot of the quantum dots are made from cadmium, which is highly toxic to the cell.

It's like, this is a terrible idea, right? So, you know, they said, but the thing about this quantum cloud that gets created and that steals and traps the electrons is that it requires a hole in the ground state. So, me being the dumb bunny I am was like, “Well, what happens if we fill in that hole? Let's go see,” right?

So I said, “Well, how are we going to fill in that hole? Well, I guess let's start with earthing and see if it can fill in that hole.” And that's what appears to be happening, is that just grounding, earthing - grounding just means you're using a device to connect to the Earth, but you know, by just being connected to mother Earth and especially for extended periods of time, that's the key we have.

It's gotta be for extended periods of time. We can now turn our bedrooms and especially our bed into the greatest healing surface that we have available to us in the world today, and that we can have nightly, uninterrupted access to it every single day. We know it's not going to do any harm. That's always number one, right?

First, do no harm. We know that it creates the potential for people to now maximize the effectiveness of their therapeutic approach, and that's where it gets exciting.

Sylvie Beljanski: Exciting.

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Say it again, Sylvie?

Sylvie Beljanski: Yeah. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Oh, let me. Oh, did I tell you about that? Oh my God. 

Future Directions: Research and Education on Grounding

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: So, a couple of things. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Okay. 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: So, first and foremost, um, dreams, the reports we get from people about now they're dreaming again, but you know, you've heard probably in the last few years, people have been talking about nightmares, a lot of nightmares and stuff.

I've been hearing that from so many people. They're like, “Oh my God, I'm having great dreams.” But what we, what we, and me included, but the thing that is so interesting is people say that is the deepest sleep I can remember ever having. And like right now for me, I'm one of the lucky ones where I didn't have a lot of health issues that I'm overcoming, right?

This is the first time in my life, Sylvie, that I wake up every single day before my alarm now. As soon as the sun starts coming up, I wake up with it every single morning. Now I don't necessarily get out of bed because I like to sleep, but I wake up and I'm like, “Wow, I'm up!” I could actually get up if I wanted to right now and just start doing whatever I needed to do.

Um, but it's, it's not here and there. It's literally every single day since I have put on the grounding sleep system on my bed. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Excellent. I think that's, that's a lot for people. And I think that, I mean a good sleep and being protected, grounded from EMF is, was a very powerful educational event. And thank you so much for that, Dr. H. Thank you. 

Victor Dwyer: Dr. H, is there anyone, anywhere else that the audience can basically reach out to you beside that free offer that you set, and then we'll put in the link below of the podcast? Is there anywhere else that they can reach out to you? 

Dr. Henry Ealy, ND: Yeah, absolutely. So I'd say first and foremost, um, they can always contact me through, , with questions, especially people who are recovering. All right. Um, , Um, with questions, we want to make sure they get set up really well. We encourage everybody to sign up for the EMF, the free EMF guide. Watch the videos. They'll explain a lot. We actually have about nine or 10 more videos coming that we've already shot.

We just haven't released them for people yet. Um, but what I would say also is the companies, when you sign up for it, there'll be a bunch of companies that we've already checked out their products and confirm that they work. So, you can use that to set up your grounding sleep system and, and there's even more companies.

In fact, I have yet to test an earthing or grounding company that hasn't been effective, which is nice to see in that industry, and I would also say and encourage your audience, please join us this month, May 23rd and May 25th for our “Earthing and EMF Solution Summit.” We are going to share images and videos of the work we've been doing on the research side, specifically with the blood that no one has ever seen before.

And I was just working with the research team before, and I think what it's going to do for everybody, especially people recovering, is, is build a tremendous amount of confidence in the approach. And that is a factor that is another major medicine that everybody needs to have is the belief in what they're doing, that it's going to work.

So we can prove it, we can show it. And that's the only thing I ever share is what I can. 

Victor Dwyer: Awesome. Well, Dr. H, thank you so much for joining and thank you everyone for watching. Dr. H gave us a lot of potential things to try out. So thank you so much for joining Dr. H and that's all we have for the Beljanski Cancer Talk Show and we'll catch you next time!

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