The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show

Episode 4: Discover Vitality: Why Integrative Medicine Is Essential for Cancer Prevention & Recovery with Nathan Crane

The Beljanski Foundation Season 1 Episode 4

Join hosts Sylvie Beljanski and Victor Dwyer on The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show with guest Nathan Crane, a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach and Beljanski Board Member, to explore how integrative medicine is essential for cancer prevention and recovery, aligning with The Beljanski Foundation's mission to educate on cancer.

What You'll Discover:

  • Nathan's Holistic Cancer Coaching Journey: Insights into his personal stories and the motivation behind his commitment to holistic cancer coaching.
  • Exploring Integrative Medicine's Impact on Cancer: How combining traditional and alternative medicine practices offers a comprehensive approach to battling cancer.
  • Nutrition's Role in Cancer Prevention and Recovery: Understanding the fundamental importance of nutrition in bolstering the body's defenses against cancer.
  • Plant-Powered Athlete: A deeper look into how a plant-based diet influences athletic performance and overall health.
  • Peak Performance with Plant-Powered Diets: Exploring the link between plant-based nutrition and achieving peak physical condition.
  • Meeting Athlete's Nutritional Needs with Protein: Strategies for ensuring athletes receive adequate protein intake through plant-based sources.
  • Introduction to Beljanski Foundation for Natural Cancer Solutions: Learn about the foundation's role and contributions to natural cancer research and solutions.
  • From Conference Success to Cancer Research Advancements: Highlighting recent breakthroughs and developments in cancer research prompted by foundational conferences.
  • Integrative Medicine: Discussing the benefits of a holistic approach in cancer prevention and the critical aspects of functional medicine in personalized care.
  • Future of Cancer Research and Integrative Medicine: Speculating on the advancements and directions future research in cancer treatment and integrative medicine might take.

This episode dives deep into why integrative medicine shouldn't be overlooked in the fight against cancer and the importance of a personalized approach in cancer care. If you're seeking to learn more about innovative and holistic methods for cancer prevention and recovery, subscribe and follow us for more enlightening discussions.

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Nathan Crane: Here she is still in her seventies to this day, many, many years later, who reversed cancer using an integrative approach.

Victor Dwyer: Hey, everyone! Welcome to today's episode of the Beljanski Cancer Talk Show. In this episode titled ‘Discover Vitality: Why Integrative Medicine is Essential for Cancer Prevention and Recovery,’ Sylvie and I are honored to welcome a natural health researcher and certified holistic cancer coach, Nathan Crane.

He's an award-winning author, inspirational speaker, Amazon number one bestseller author, and 20 times award winning documentary filmmaker. He's also the Director of Healing Life, President of the Holistic Leadership Council, Founder of the Conquering Cancer, and Director and Producer of the award-winning documentary film, ‘Cancer: The Integrative Perspective’.

Nathan has been honored with awards such as the Accolade 2020 Outstanding Achievement Humanitarian Award and the California Senate Outstanding Community Service Award for his impactful work in education and empowering through the natural and integrative cancer healing methods. Join us as Nathan uncovers why integrated medicine is not only an alternative, but an essential complement to traditional approaches in the fight against cancer.

Nathan, thank you so much for joining us today. Please give the audience an intro of who you are and let's go into a little bit about integrative medicine. Love to hear more about it. 

Nathan Crane: Yeah. Thanks for having me. Super glad you guys are doing this great talk show. Happy to be here. I am a certified holistic cancer coach through, independent health researcher, award-winning author and have been really focused on helping people learn the underlying causes of cancer and what to do about it. How do we prevent cancer and how do we empower our bodies to heal cancer? I've been focused on cancer specifically for more than a decade, but I've been into independent natural health research for about 17 years at this point.

My own personal research as well as using my own body as an experiment, as well as coaching other clients along the way, I founded, since have co-founded a company called ‘Conquering Cancer’ a few years back, and we've reached over 3 million people in the last few years through our documentary series, through our masterclasses, through our coaching programs and helping people to learn what is at the root of cancer.

Why has cancer exploded over the last, you know, 50 plus years? What is actually causing this explosion of cancer and then what can we do to empower our immune systems to fight against it? Because really our bodies are designed in my mind perfectly to fight against cancer. I mean, that's what it does every single day, if we have a strong and active and functional immune system. And there's a lot of factors that lead to dysfunctional immune systems, a lot of factors that lead to cell degradation and cell damage, mitochondrial damage, which leads to the chronic fermentative process we call cancer. And so, you know, my, I got into cancer specifically because my grandfather who was diagnosed, I watched him suffer at the hands of conventional medicine, unfortunately, and watch him wither away and die from the chemotherapy and radiation. I really saw that take his life away. And I thought back then in 2013, there's gotta be something I can do about this. There's gotta be a better way. There's gotta be natural solutions.

And so that's what I did. I started interviewing the top integrative oncologists, functional medicine practitioners on the planet. Put it hosting conferences publishing magazines, creating masterclasses, interviewing hundreds of these doctors and saying, “What are you guys doing to heal cancer patients using natural, functional, and integrative medicine and why is it working so effectively?” And then I went out and started interviewing many of the cancer conquerors of people who healed stage four cancers that were sent home with three months left to live and said, there's nothing else we can do for you, you’re chemoed out, you’re therapied out, you know, just go home and write your will, we're very sorry.

One woman, Elaine Gibson, was told, you know, she had stage four cancer, I believe, Leukemia, and sent her home and said, “You're not going to see your grandchildren grow up, you know, I'm sorry, there's not much we can do for you”. And here she is still in her seventies to this day, many, many years later, who reversed cancer using an integrative approach.

We're going to talk about integrative medicine, why that's so important, why I think integrative medicine is so important, but she's one case study among many of incredible people I've met over the years that have given me so much hope and inspiration. And, and that's what we do. We share through. My work with Conquering Cancer, my work, you know, through my podcasts and then the work we do, I volunteer on the Board of Directors for the Beljanski Foundation as well.

And so the work we do through the foundation of scientific research into, you know, more natural solutions for cancer. And so, yeah, so here we are. 

Victor Dwyer: And to take a step back for the audience, what exactly is integrated medicine? It sounds fancy. It sounds like very, like a very fancy word, like at its core, what is integrated medicine?

Nathan Crane: So, it depends who you ask. You know, if you go to the Mayo Clinic, integrative medicine is a little meditation room in the corner that nobody uses. And I hate to say that, but it's true. A lot of these huge cancer clinics have adopted the term integrative medicine, for my personal opinion, as a marketing term, because they know people want integrative, they want more natural solutions.

And so they, more of these big cancer hospitals are recognizing that and creating integrative solutions, but, I would say, they're probably implementing somewhere between 10 and 30 percent of what they could actually be implementing, what true integrative clinics and doctors are implementing. And so, I actually asked that same question about eight years ago, eight or nine years ago, and that led me to creating a feature film, a documentary film that has since won, I think, 20 awards at this point called “Cancer: The Integrative Perspective”.

And I spent five years. producing, directing, editing, and filming for this documentary to say, what is the integrative perspective? What is integrative medicine when it comes to treating cancer? And, basically, the short of it is it's the best of all worlds. It's the best of holistic health. It's the best of ancient Eastern medicine. It's the best of naturopathic medicine. It's the, it's the best of mind, body, spirit medicine. It's the biopsychosocial model, and it's the best of, of modern day conventional medicine. So there are some pharmaceuticals today, some pharmaceutical interventions that are quite effective. You know, if you had a a grapefruit sized tumor, you know, in your colon and you couldn't you couldn't go to the bathroom, like surgery could save your life. You know, there, there are, there are conventional medical approaches that can be incredibly beneficial. There are certain drugs that can be really helpful. There is something called low dose chemotherapy, IPT, insulin potentiated therapy, which is very low dose, very targeted chemotherapy, which can help target and destroy the tumor while you're also integrating using the best of diet and lifestyle, nutritional interventions, nutritional therapies, and other technological therapies.

Pulse electromagnetic frequency therapy, which has tremendous amount of scientific literature behind it specifically for cancer and for inflammation in the body. We know cancer is a chronic inflammatory disease. So pulse electromagnetic field therapy. There are many different types of, you know, modern alternative complimentary and alternative medicine that we can use in conjunction with conventional medicine that can help provide not only the best results for the patient, but really better quality of life. You know, you can target the cancer of chemotherapy and radiation. You could even cut it out. And these are the people in my community. I read their emails every day. They send in their forms to us that share with us their, their stories.

And I'm reading some and interviewing them right now for our upcoming docuseries. And basically I went in, here's the story and I hear it. I've probably heard it hundreds of times over the years. I had stage two or stage three X cancer, any cancer. I've heard every kind. They recommend surgery, chemotherapy, radiation.

I did what they said. Two years later. It came back. It's now in a different location. It's stage four. It's metastasized. Okay, so if surgery, chemotherapy, radiation were the solution to completely reverse your cancer, then why does it come back? And why is it at a worse stage as metastasized throughout your body?

Now it's in the lymphatic system, it's in the lungs, it's in other organs, right? And so why is that so common among so many people? Today we get confused, we get misled by thinking the, the survival rate means success rate and survival rate actually is not success in my opinion at all. Survival rate just means they survive five years past their diagnosis date.

Now, it's wonderful that the person has survived five years but it's misleading because the general public goes, “Oh, they're a cancer survivor, whatever treatment they did,” right? This treatment has a 70 percent success cancer survival rate. Someone might hear those terms and someone might go, “Oh, great! That means, you know, I got a good chance of beating this cancer”. 

And they go in and they do a therapy and all of a sudden not only did the cancer not go away, but it's come back with a vengeance and maybe they survive five years, but now it's metastasized to their entire, throughout their entire body and their quality of life as, they've completely lost their quality of life because chemotherapy and radiation destroy your immune system.

It makes your hair fall out. It literally damages your cells. It causes more cancer to form in the body. So, I'm not against surgery, chemotherapy, radiation in the appropriate circumstances for the appropriate patient with the appropriate cancer, you know testicular cancer, for example, has a pretty high reversal rate.

I think like 50 percent in many cases versus certain types of colon cancer have a very, very, very low success rate. Other types of cancer have, you know, 20%, 30 percent again, depending on who's giving you the statistics. Oftentimes these are survival rates. They're not even reversal rates or cure rates.

There's no oncologist today that can guarantee they can cure your cancer with the methodology they have. And I, I don't guarantee that to anybody either, you know, and I don't cure anybody of anything. You know, we educate, we inspire, we give evidence-based solutions to say, “Hey, what caused your cancer? Let's try and figure out what those multiple causes most likely are, and then let's empower your body to heal itself”. And so, a good integrative practitioner, a good integrative therapist, a good integrative oncologist is going to look at the biopsychosocial approach in medicine - biological, psychological, social, as well as a complete holistic approach, environmental, relational spiritual, you know. What are you putting in your body? What are you deficient in? What are the toxicities that you have going in your body? What are your nutritional deficiencies? Deficiency and toxicity are two underlying causes of just about every disease we have on the planet.

But so is stress. So is our environment. So, a good integrative practitioner is going to look at all of that. Take a big intake form, ask you a lot of questions, and then try and use the best of all worlds. Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, nutritional therapies, you know, evidence-based approaches, mental, emotional healing practices to help get at the root of the issue and then help empower your body to heal itself.

Sylvie Beljanski: And you are, you are very involved also in, in nutrient, into nutrition. You have even created a line for athletes. All about vegan nutrition. Can you tell us more about that? 

Nathan Crane: Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, my, my initial focus in, in the health world was nutrition. Like my initial like dive-in was healing my own body of the challenges that I was going through.

I went through, you know addiction and poor food behaviors and I was very sickly as a teenager and I was, you know, I was not doing well. And so, one of the first big eye openers that I, I had in my life was I did this I did this five day cleanse, it was called the master cleanse. And I don't recommend anybody to go out and just do the master cleanse today, but it was good for me at that time.

I think I was 20 years old, and I did the master cleanse and it really, it was five days of just water fresh lemons, lemon juice maple syrup and cayenne pepper and that's it. So, all you drink for five days straight, no food, no other drinks, no eating, nothing. And I went through that cleanse and it just, I felt so good at the end of it.

And I felt like I was in touch with, like, my body for, in a new way for the first time ever. And then it really opened my eye to this idea that food impacts the way we feel. It impacts the way we think, because I thought more clearly by the end of that. I felt better. I had more energy. You know, I'm 20 years old.

I didn't know anything about nutrition. You know, I didn't learn nutrition in school. I hadn’t learned nutrition from anybody. It was just that experience. I go, wow, food can really have a drastic impact in how I feel and how I think. So that led me down the rabbit hole of just, you know, insatiable research into nutrition and diets and which diets are best for cancer and, and longevity and disease prevention and health and sports and performance.

And through that kind of, you know, watching documentaries and reading publications and personal experimentation that eventually led me personally to a plant-based diet. And so in 2010, when my daughter was born, my wife and I went on a 100 percent raw vegan diet. And we did that for about a year. And then after that, we stopped like the whole raw part, but we stayed on the primarily plant-based part.

We've done some eggs over the years. We don't do dairy. We don't do meat. But the reason why I've stayed on primarily a whole food plant-based diet is because as I continued that research, I realized, hey, this seems to be the diet that is most associated with people living the longest, people living the healthiest, people preventing the most diseases.

All the people I was interviewing, every single one of them, was either on a 100 percent vegan diet, or a primarily whole food plant-based diet when they reverse their cancer. That was one of the pillars of foundations of the diet that they adopted that helped them. And I'm not saying every cancer patient out there has been on that diet.

It's just every person that I met for whatever reason and interviewed, I was like, well, what'd you eat? And every one of them, and then all the doctors that I was interviewing. You know, they were putting them on whole foods, mostly plant-based diets or completely plant-based diets and seeing incredible results.

So that just continued this this personal experience and, and, and the research to back it up of staying on a whole food, plant-based diet. So, the importance of that, so I've been working mostly with cancer patients, you know, cancer clients over the past decade plus, but I also, and you know, mostly it's people 50 and older.

Now younger people are getting diagnosed at higher rates than ever before. There was a study that just recently came out that showed cancer rates have increased over 70 percent in the past 30 years in people under 50. So, we're seeing cancer rates in 30 year olds and 40 year olds and 49 year olds at higher rates than we've ever seen in as long as we've been recording cancer. So it's getting younger and younger, meaning it's not just, Oh, you're going to be 80 and diagnosed with cancer. If you don't change your diet and lifestyle now at a younger age, it's affecting almost 50 percent of people to this day. And in 1950, there was only about 10 percent of people.

And in 1905, it was believed that it was less than 1 percent of people had cancer. So, we're seeing this massive increase in cancer and a lot of it, from my research, is diet and lifestyle. It's processed foods, ultra processed foods, it's lack of nutrition, it's toxins in the water, in the air, in your food.

And we need a primarily organic, whole food, plant-based diet. You know, you're going to remove most of that stuff out of your body and you filter your water, filter your air. You're removing most of those toxins out of your home. And so, these are things that are going to help your body to heal itself.

So yeah, I started a company called “Plant-Powered Athlete,” because I want to reach younger people who are athletic and help them adopt a healthier diet, help them adopt a more plant-based diet. They don't have to be a hundred percent vegan, but just incorporating more real whole plant foods into your diet to, you know, empower your body to achieve its peak performance really at any age.

But ideally in the process. you know, you prevent a chronic disease later on as well. 

Sylvie Beljanski: I assume you do not have to be a professional athlete to benefit from this diet, right? I guess I mean, I mean good quality, plant-based diet will benefit anybody. You don't need actually to be an athlete at all, do you?

Nathan Crane: And that's, you know, that's what I discovered was, you know, the people who, that I was interviewing that were 50, 60, 70, who had reversed stage three, stage four cancer. And I asked what diet and they were on primarily a whole food, plant-based diet. These weren't athletes. Most of them were athletes. Elaine was an athlete but many of them weren't.

Ruth Heydrich actually was an athlete. She was diagnosed stage three or stage four, I think, in aggressive breast cancer when she was in her forties, she adopted a whole food plant based diet and she became the first vegan ever to complete the Kona Ironman Triathlon and since has won 900 medals.

She's now almost 90 years old, by the way, she's been running, doing triathlons. marathons, you know, endurance racing for, you know, into her late 80s on a whole food plant based diet for the past 40 plus years and in the process reversed her breast cancer by following that diet and lifestyle changes.

And so whether someone's an athlete or not, you know, what I see is that a whole food plant-based diet is going to support your body for longevity, for immune function, for energy, for gut health, but you got to know what you're doing. You know, people go on a junk food, vegan diet, and they eat a lot of processed crap and they eat a lot of junk food and they eat, you know, a lot of packaged foods and they're not eating enough, you know, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh berries.

They're just eating all this prepackaged processed crap with lots of sugar and lots of junk in it. And then they go, Oh, the vegan diet didn't work for me. It made me unhealthy. I had gut issues. I had low energy. Well, yeah, cause you're eating a junk food diet. Like I don't care if you're omnivore or vegan doesn't matter.

If you're eating junk food in your diet, you're not going to feel good. And then we have people going, why switch to a carnivore diet? And man, I feel better. My eczema went away and my energy improved. And then I go, every person that I've asked, so far, what were you eating before? Oh, I was eating pretty healthy.

Okay. Let's look at a typical week diet and boom, you break it down day by day by day. And every person I've talked to so far who thought they were eating pretty healthy were eating, in my estimation, a junk food diet. They're eating potato chips and frozen waffles and, you know, process prepackaged crap and all this stuff.

And it's like, yeah, I had a banana every morning. Okay. One banana. Yeah. Oh, sometimes an apple. Okay. A banana, an apple. How many vegetables do you have? You know, I'd have some frozen broccoli at dinner. So you have one serving of vegetables and you add two servings of fruit and the rest was prepackaged ultra processed crap, and that's healthy.

And you feel terrible. No wonder you feel terrible. And you have eczema and your gut's totally wrecked. And then you switch to a carnivore diet. Carnivore diet's an elimination diet. So of course, you're going to feel better because you eliminated all that crap out of your body. You know, whereas someone, a whole plant-based diet, who's been doing it for 40 or 50 years, who knows what they're doing, they feel amazing for 40 or 50 years. So, carnivore people are saying, Oh, the, the plant based is the same thing. It's elimination diet. That's why people feel better for a while. It's not true because we have thousands of people that have been on a whole food plant based diet for decades, and they still feel amazing at 80 and 90 years old, as they did when they were 40 and 50, when they started.[00:21:00] 

Sylvie Beljanski: So, everybody wants that. So tell us exactly what's the name of the company and where people can get this this diet. Is it prepackaged? Is it how? Tell us more about it. How does it work?

Nathan Crane: Yeah. So, so Plant Powered Athlete plantpoweredathlete. com. So it's, we're primarily a supplement and clothing company, but our main focus is really educating people.

So all our education is free. So, on our YouTube and our social media, people can go and subscribe to our channels. We've got a five-day plant powered challenge. People can download for free at our website. Like our whole thing is educating and empowering people to achieve their peak performance at any age by adopting more of a plant powered diet. And so, and then we support with supplements. Our first supplement coming out is organic, super clean, high quality, adaptogenic protein powder. So, we encourage people eat as much whole real foods as possible. But we also know that people on a plant based diet can struggle with getting enough quality amino acids in their protein, if they're not paying attention. And so, and if you're an athlete generally, you need a little bit more protein as well. And so yes, you can get all the protein you need on a whole food plant-based diet for sure, if you know what you're doing, but at the same time, sometimes you need something quick, you need something fast, you're on the go.

You're traveling, whatever, you just had a workout, you need some protein quick. You don't want to, you know, you're not going to eat a big meal on your way back home. So, you know, you have a scoop of protein powder, but you want it clean. You want it organic. You want it with adaptogens that are going to help your body recover faster with some, you know, sea salt to help replenish some of the electrolytes.

So it's, it's not a hundred ingredients, you know, it's a handful of small, very selected evidence backed ingredients to help improve performance and help get you the right amino acids in, in that profile. And so that's the supplements that proteins coming out actually very soon. But again, all the education is free and people can connect with us at 

Sylvie Beljanski: Thank you. And speaking of education, you are also very much involved in the board of the Beljanski Foundation. Can you tell us more about your role with this foundation and why you chose to get involved with that specific foundation? 

Nathan Crane: Well, I got involved because of you, Sylvie. All because of you, you, and you're you and you're committed.

No, really, really. I mean, because of, because of you, I mean, you put together such an amazing foundation with such a beautiful mission and, you know, honoring your father and his work and in the face of adversity and in a challenging, you know, ecosystem where we need. And, and this is so interesting because when I found out about the Beljanski Foundation, how I found out about you guys was, like I was asking that question for a long time, like we need more scientific research backing up the natural plants and natural solutions for cancer. We need that research and we need it getting into the public. We need people to know. So how do we do that? How do we get more research done? How do we get more research into the hands of the public?

And somehow, I don't, I don't even remember exactly how, but we got connected. And I got connected to the foundation. I saw the work. That you'd been doing for the past 20 years. You're, you know, learned about your father's story. And, you know, what he went through learn about how much you've put into this foundation and the near, I think, 20 published research papers you've done in the last 20 years has been remarkable, multiple plant extracts and their different, you know, effectiveness against different kinds of cancer.

And I just thought this is a foundation and this is a person and a group of people who are doing something really remarkable, and I'd love to be a part of it, you know, and as you know, I actually reached out to you and said, Hey, how can I help? How can I support? You know, I want to be a part of this. And so, after meetings you know.

Sylvie Beljanski: And you helped a lot because so, I mean, the Beljanski Foundation had this awesome events conference in Jacksonville in past past September.

And it was Jacksonville because of you, because you live there. And you were absolutely instrumental, to to make it happen. It would never have happened without you. So, can you tell us about more about this conference and what happened than what is the future for the Beljanski Foundation, since you are on the board?

Nathan Crane: So, I'll tell you what the people have told me about the conference. So, we had our first annual conference, and it was a, what I heard from people was this was the best conference they'd been to. In years, it was life changing. It was uplifting is inspirational.

They learn so much about cancer and about, you know, how to prevent and heal it using natural and integrative, integrative approaches.

They said the vendors were amazing. They said the friendships they created were, were, were really powerful. They said the energy and the atmosphere was palpable. You know, we, we made the experience something to remember. It's not just a bunch of boring lectures, hour on end, you know, there's, it's, it's meant to inspire, to uplift.

There's live music. There was guided meditations, you know, vendors with the cutting edge products and resources connecting with the doctors and the experts, the, the cancer survivor stories. You know, where people come to the, to the experience and they leave with real solutions, with a real network, a support network, new friends, new colleagues, new information and uplifted, right?

Like the energy was so uplifting. And we, you know, we, the idea for the conference was let's make a conference that educates, empowers, inspires, and helps raise funds. It's a nonprofit conference to raise funds for continuing scientific research into natural solutions for cancer. In this case, a particular cancer research project for breast cancer, stem cells, and we were able to raise all of the funding we needed for the next project.

And so that project is underway, as you know, which is really exciting you know, multiple people donated and then this incredible couple came up to me during the conference. They go, you know, I was just so moved by, by the story and by what you shared last night at the gala dinner. And what this project is that you guys are doing through the foundation that we want to, we want to fund the remaining amount.

And I think the remaining amount was like 180, 000 or something like that. And they wrote a check for the entire rest of the amount. And I just, I broke into tears. They broke into tears. We were hugging. I was like, it was like, Oh my God, thank you guys. And you know, and it was just so beautiful to see that level of generosity and commitment and contribution.

Cause everybody's been affected by cancer, you know, either. Someone tuning in right now is dealing with cancer, or they have a loved one who is, or they work with patients who are, or they've watched their own family members die from cancer and or its treatments, and it's affecting everybody today in one way or another.

And so the thing is, is there something we can do about it. And that's why we're continuing this conference. We're, we're planning the next conference right now for 2025. It's going to be even bigger and better. It's going to have the same energy and inspiration, new speakers, you know, new projects and, and people can, people can be a part of it.

Sylvie Beljanski: And before we go to new projects, I, I, I mean, I, we will report, definitely report to the audience about how their money has been used for the breast cancer stem cells project. And we will report, and if there is a publication, we will share the publication. I think it is very important to let people know, publicly, we are so generous with their money, their time, to let them know how we are using the funds.

One of the things that really I don't like with many foundations is that they are very good at raising money, and then you never hear about what they do about that. Sometimes you learn that 70 percent of the money at least is used for management and I really don't like that. And I'm very proud that the Beljanski Foundation is different, completely different with that regard.

I mean, almost, almost everything is going to, to the, to the research. And we, we. share the result of any, every research program and every publication, every time. All this is available on the website of the foundation, That's really one of the things that I think sets us apart and I look, I'm very proud indeed of this program is underway on breast cancer stem cells.

And I look very much forward reporting reporting the results at the next conference. 

Nathan Crane: Yeah. There's already been updates on the Facebook page. So, people can go to Beljanski Foundation, you know, join the Facebook page and join the group. And there's been updates. There's updates on the website. I love that as well.

I love it. Updates go out as, you know, progress is made in the research. You know, as you know, I volunteer on the board. This is my service work as my volunteer work, as many people in the foundation volunteer, and, you know, we're really here to, to help people. I mean, that's the beauty of the foundation and that's what you know, help further scientific research into natural solutions for cancer and help get the information out to the public. So, so people in their doctors can make educated decisions for their own health. I think that's, what's important is that people realize and doctors and new doctors realize that this research actually exists. You know, conventional doctors are still taught in many medical schools today that natural medicine doesn't work and there's no science behind it, which is total nonsense.

Tens of thousands of peer reviewed papers in every medical journal on the planet showing the effectiveness of hundreds of different kinds of natural medicines for every different disease on the planet. And so, anybody who doesn't believe, I mean their head is in the sand, and unfortunately, people are still, doctors are still being brainwashed in school today that this doesn't exist.

And so that's one of the reasons we're here and that's one of the reasons we're doing the next conference. So, I hope people attend. We'll have all the details on the website. We'll have dates and locations, speakers, all of that. You definitely want to be there. It is a party with a purpose. It's uplifting.

It's meaningful. You get empowered. You connect with a lot of like-minded people. And you'll, you know, walk away with so much more resources, empowerment for helping your body either prevent cancer or help your body to fight off cancer. 

Sylvie Beljanski: That's a website, right?

Nathan Crane: Yep. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Perfect.

Victor Dwyer: Awesome. Well, thank you Nathan. That was super valuable. And then when it comes down to integrative medicine, it sounds like really, it's just like a holistic approach, to everything that you're talking about. Like, whereas the the oncologist, they basically focus on just the cancer itself.

Where you kind of go in and say, integrative medicine is the way to kind of just target the holistic of everything of diet, nutrition seeing like what their environment is like, and basically making it where you're adapting everything to making it where it's all coming together to possibly prevent that cancer treatment.

And you talked about like plant plant-based diets and things like that. So if, let's say if I was a person with. Let's just say colon cancer. You mentioned colon cancer has a really crazy reverse low reversal rate. What would you recommend for someone to me? Like what type of what type of normal examples do you see of what you would recommend to a person that's trying to either reverse cancer or decrease the chances of cancer?

You said you mentioned plant based diets. What other things would you recommend there? 

Nathan Crane: So, two things there. One is if you have cancer, find a really good functional medicine practitioner to work with who specializes in cancer. Ideally, they're certified in functional medicine. They're a true integrative oncologist.

Having that person in your corner can be instrumental. You know, they can run tests that you need and connect you with other experts. I do. coaching, but I only have a few clients at a time and then we offer group coaching as well. We don't, we don't offer medical advice. We're not doctors in my specific team, but I have colleagues I work with in my think tank and mastermind group who are functional medicine doctors who are integrative oncologists.

I have a good doctor friend, Dr. Karlfeldt who, you know, Sylvie, Dr. Michael Karlfeldt. He's a naturopathic oncologist in Idaho. He's got an incredible clinic, you know, as he's integrating the best of everything. I've got a good friend, Dr. Thomas Lodi who's out of Thailand. He's got a clinic in Arizona.

We have a lot of good doctors like this today, Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy. She's on our board of directors for Holistic Leadership Council. She's in California. She has a great a cancer center there. Again, these are doctors that are like, Hey, if we got a little drug that if you take this one drug is going to help knock that cancer down, but same time, boom, we're going to put you on a whole food, plant based diet.

We're going to give you nutraceuticals. We're going to give you, you know the top dozen, you know, herbal supplements that show to enhance your immune system and help fight off cancer. We're also going to recommend that you sauna, you know, two or three days a week, and we're going to detox heavy metals we're going to make sure that you're exercising appropriately for you and your age and your capacity.

We're going to clean up the toxins out of your home. We're going to help you deal with the stress and the chronic, you know, traumas that you went through as a child, because those are inhibiting your immune system. We're going to look at this as a holistic approach, and you're going to take that drug versus a conventional doctor might be, you know, take the drug and let's see what happens.

Let's pray. Let's hope, right? Versus a functional medicine doctor or a naturopathic oncologist. For example, it's gonna say, Hey, we're gonna do everything. And if that drug can help, we'll use that. Also, Elaine Gibson, I'll share her story again because with stage four cancer, they found a, a a drug that helped with a genetic issue that she had.

And it was, it didn't have a ton of symptoms associated with it. It was a fairly safe drug. And so, she agreed to take that while doing everything else. You know, organic green juice, like a gallon of green juice every single day, raw vegan diet, cleaner air, water, all these things. That we talk about and she took that drug and then boom, you know, the cancer was gone.

We have lots of case studies like that. So that's why I'm saying, you know, having a good integrative and or functional medicine practitioner who knows what they're doing that could get you conventional therapy that's needed for your case without going overboard on it and going too far and wrecking your immune system and then really inhibiting your body's ability to fight off the cancer.

Because chemotherapy kills cancer cells. Radiation kills cancer cells. It does not kill cancer stem cells. And this is proven in the literature. And why is that important? Because you can get rid of the tumor. You can get rid of those tumor cells all you want. Tumor, go away. Hey, it's cancer free. But why does it come back with a vengeance?

Because you didn't get to the stem cells. The stem cells are the self-replicating cells. They're like the, the basically the mother cells that are going to produce more cancer cells. So, chemotherapy and radiation don't get rid of the stem cells, the cancer stem cells, but there are therapies and there are plants and there are nutraceuticals and this is research that we're publishing that do target and eliminate cancer stem cells.

So if you're gonna do a therapy that gets rid of the tumor cells, then you want to be doing a therapy that's also getting rid of the cancer stem cells so that cancer can't come back. And that's to answer your question. That's a truly integrative approach. And then number two is, you know, find a really good integrative doctor who knows what they're doing, functional medicine doctor, and or get proper coaching along the way.

And then for each person, it's different. You know, every, every cancer is slightly different. Every person's, you know, diet and lifestyle is slightly different in general, generally speaking, you know, my approach is let's look at mind, body, spirit, environment, toxicity, relationships, mental, emotional health.

Each one of those we're gonna take a deep look at and see where we can make improvements because you want because we want to improve every one of those areas and now, it's not gonna be overnight in every area for every person, but if you're dealing with an advanced stage cancer, you know, making some serious changes quickly might be a good thing.

It also might be a challenging thing. And so, we do it in stages. You know, we don't put somebody who's never done sauna before. We don't put them in a 170, 180-degree sauna for 40 minutes. It's going to, you know, potentially make them worse. We're going to build up five minutes at a time at a lower temperature.

Over time, we're going to ease into some of these things. Sauna has been shown to be incredibly effective at helping enhance the immune system, detox heavy metals out of the body heat-shock proteins that contribute to a whole lot of beneficial physiological functions. Hormetic stressor, it's a hormetic stressor, helps produce more mitochondria.

Healthy mitochondria means cancer cells can't thrive. So, we want more healthy, robust mitochondria in ourselves. So, we're looking at therapies and foods and nutritions and different approaches that are going to help improve mitochondrial function and mitochondrial density in the cell. 

Victor Dwyer: That's great. Well, Nick, thank you. Or Nathan, thank you so much. Like you blew me so far away. You made me forget your name. That's how crazy it was. So, wow. Thank you so much for all that information. Nathan, please tell me all the please tell the audience how to find you, how to find more information about your business and everything else like that.

Nathan Crane: Yeah, I think the best place, thank you for that. I think best place is just They can actually download my book there for free. I just give it away for free. It's called Becoming Cancer Free. They can join my newsletter there and see everything that we're up to in that regard, and it's just my name, 

Victor Dwyer: Awesome. Well, Nathan, thank you so much for joining today. That's all we have time for. Thank you for informing everyone about the, what you're doing with the conference and then all, everything that you know about integrative medicine. I know that'll be super helpful for all the people out there that are trying to learn more about how to prevent cancer.

And now we know what integrative medicine means and what that really means for you and how to really help and build it up. So, thank you so much for that. Thank you. Thank you for coming on and thank you everyone for watching. This is the Beljanski Cancer Talk Show, and we'll catch you next time.

Thanks guys.

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