The Beljanski Cancer Talk Show

Pilot Episode: Winning the War on Cancer with Sylvie Beljanski

The Beljanski Foundation Season 1 Episode 1

Join your host, Victor Dwyer, on this compelling episode as we delve into the latest breakthroughs in cancer research. With the special participation of Sylvie Beljanski, President and Founder of The Beljanski Foundation and CEO of Maison Beljanski, we uncover the innovative strides being made in the fight against cancer. Here's what we've lined up for you:

  • Cutting-edge Insights: The episode opens with a deep dive into the forefront of cancer research, highlighting the significant role of stem cells. Sylvie Beljanski shares groundbreaking discoveries that certain plant extracts can effectively target cancer cells with zero toxicity. This segment shines a light on the potential of these natural solutions in combating cancer at every stage, including the challenging cancer stem cells.
  • The Crucial Battle Against Cancer Stem Cells: Understanding the importance of targeting cancer stem cells is vital, as these cells are resistant to chemotherapy and can lead to the recurrence of cancer after remission. Sylvie discusses recent research findings on ovarian and pancreatic cancer stem cells, revealing the effectiveness of specific plant extracts known for their anticancer activity and safety. The conversation also highlights the Beljanski Foundation's innovative research program focused on breast cancer stem cells, aiming to put an end to cancer recurrence.
  • A Holistic Approach to Cancer: Sylvie and Victor explore comprehensive strategies that integrate conventional cancer treatments with cutting-edge research, offering optimized results in combating all forms of cancer. This holistic perspective underscores the significance of a multifaceted approach in achieving the best outcomes for patients.
  • Supporting Your Immune System During Chemotherapy: The episode concludes with crucial advice from Sylvie on how to support your immune system while undergoing chemotherapy. This guidance is essential for maintaining the body's natural defenses and ensuring resilience throughout the treatment process.

This episode is a journey into the future of cancer treatment, where the convergence of Science and nature offers new hope. Sylvie Beljanski & Victor Dwyer invite you to join this enlightening conversation, armed with knowledge on the latest scientific advancements that promise more effective and less toxic options for cancer patients.

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Episode 1 – Winning the War on Cancer with Sylvie Beljanski

Introduction to the Beljanski Cancer Talk Show

Sylvie Beljanski: We have not looked at the right place. To treat cancer, to understand cancer.

Victor Dwyer: Hey everyone. Welcome to the Beljanski Cancer Talk Show, a podcast where we discuss breakthroughs and insights in cancer treatment and research. Join us as the top minds in the field share their discoveries, equipping our audience with essential knowledge to better navigate the formidable challenge of cancer.

Meet Sylvie Beljanski: A Journey from Law to Health Advocacy

Victor Dwyer: I’m your host, Victor Dwyer, and today I’m thrilled to have Sylvie Beljanski as our guest. Sylvie’s the President and Founder of the Beljanski Foundation, as well as the CEO of Mason Beljanski. She has dedicated to her life, to promoting holistic medicine and natural cancer treatments in her journey as a French lawyer turned to a health advocate.

In this episode titled “Winning the War on Cancer,” Sylvie will share her extensive knowledge and experience in the field as well discuss her award winning book.

The Big Question: Are We Winning the War on Cancer?

Victor Dwyer: Hey, Sylvie, thank you so much for joining us today. And I want to start out the podcast and just ask you like starting out with a big bang question.

Are we winning the war on cancer? And I know you have an amazing book. I’ve listened to the full book. It’s really amazing. And like, I just want to start out with this big question. Like, are we winning the war on cancer? And I want to get your thoughts on that. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Well, hello, Victor. And thank you for this difficult question, because the answer is not simple.

We have made a lot of progress since the war on cancer, since the time of Nixon, 71, when he started the war, officially the war on cancer with a Cancer Act, National Cancer Act. What, where we see, have seen progress is a number of deaths is indeed dwelling down. However, there are more and more cancers around us.

So, now the Cancer is considered either the first or the second cause of death in the U. S. and also in the world. It depends on where you look. If you look at NIH or the World Health Organization, one will say it’s the first cause of cancer, of death, the second one will say it’s the second one after heart disease.

It doesn’t matter. The fact is there is a staggering number of cancers and are not done fighting the war on cancer. That’s why I think there is still a lot to do, a lot of research, and it is legitimate to wonder why after all those years, I mean more than 50 years after the National Cancer Act and so many, so much money spent on the war on cancer. Why are we still here? I mean, wondering if it is the first or the second leading cause of death. 

Exploring the Roots of Cancer: Environment, Stress, and DNA

Sylvie Beljanski: And I think the answer is that we have not looked at the right place to treat cancer, to understand cancer.

Fifty years ago, definitely, and even 40 years ago, at the time when my late father, Dr. Mirko Beljanski, was a scientist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, the official explanation about cancer that it could only result from a genetic mutation. If that was right, there would be a stable number of cancer, but an increased number of cancer. So obviously, that’s wrong. My father was one of the first scientists to look at the environment as a cause of cancer, and he actually explained how environmental toxins affect our DNA, induce what he called a destabilization of the DNA, cumulatively and progressively, doesn’t happen over time. It is one little exposure after another little exposure after another little exposure, and that’s why people who get cancer, mostly all elderly people, because they have had a Lifelong exposure to a lot of toxins.

Victor Dwyer: Yeah. It’s in the book. I love how you talk about the outer toxins and the inner toxins of like stress, like how that our inner environment and outer environment really affects us, how stress affects us like internally and how our environment. Structures us and makes us feel differently that way, too. I really liked how you said, like, the toxicity goes out on the outside and inside that really affects us.

Sylvie Beljanski: Absolutely. It is now recognized that stress induces a change of chemistry and a cascade of reactions. that do affect our DNA. And this has been now been measured also. And that’s why some people will react to some difficult events, very stressful event by getting sick. And some won’t because It’s all about the reactions, all about our, your body is going to process the stress and the event.

And eventually the stress, it’s not so much about the event. 

Victor Dwyer: And that’s really powerful. 

Sylvie’s Inspiration: Writing to Preserve and Share Knowledge

Victor Dwyer: And like, I really want to go into a little bit, like what inspired to write this book? Because I know a lot of people, like for the people that haven’t actually read the book, I want you to go into a little bit about what really inspired you to write this book.

Sylvie Beljanski: I want to allow. a new generation of people to know about the story and the research and the possibilities that this research can lead to. The story is one where government in this, this case, the French government tried to destroy research programs. It succeeded in just destroying the man. And they almost destroyed the knowledge that this man had.

And he was the only, the laboratory that they raided and destroyed was the only independent laboratory. laboratory research on cancer in France.

So, they really tried to eradicate a knowledge about cancer and I thought it was most important since I was depository of this knowledge to put that in writing and make sure that it would not be lost and that other people could be informed and eventually carry on.

With the research and get even new developments that about with this research and those plant extracts that my father developed. 

Victor Dwyer: And it’s also about a story about you, a lawyer becoming a health expert and attacking like the number one problem in the world, which is pretty amazing. I understand that you did it for the family and things like that.

How did you get the courage to build yourself up to saying, okay, I’m a lawyer. I know nothing about what my parents did and saying, this is something that I want to do. How did you build up the courage to take on that problem?

Sylvie Beljanski: I don’t know. I think I did not think of it twice. That’s a big, I knew growing up, you know, in this family, seeing.

Closely, a lot of people suffering with cancer and doing better thanks to those products. I saw the difference that those products could make and I felt really shocked by the fact that all this could disappear. I felt that, you know, somebody had to do something about it. And I realized quickly that being in New York, I was maybe the right person.

At the right place at the right time to do my best at least to make sure that this would survive. Yeah. 

The Power of Natural, Non-Toxic Cancer Treatments

Victor Dwyer: When someone finishes the book, what is the lasting message that you want someone to finish reading to really get out of the book? 

Sylvie Beljanski: I hope it’s a message of hope. I don’t get despair. There are solutions.

There are solutions out there. They are not natural solutions, not toxic solutions that are still [00:08:00] available despite the might. Of some greedy governments, which are completely corrupt. 

Victor Dwyer: Yeah, that’s great. And what I took out of the book was someone that was extremely like dedicated to the cause saying like, Hey, this is something I want to go do.

And then you literally like went into the Amazon forest, passed out in the river of the Amazon forest and like how you just went through all these like. Amazing missions to really go figure it out. You’re like, Hey, I want to figure out what this one tree is. And you were like, just like roaming around trying to figure out where the tree was.

And I just like, I love that.

Sylvie Beljanski: Well, one thing led me to another and it was, yeah, it has been an amazing journey and I had enough adventure. actually to put that in writing in a book. So the book is actually a mix of legal adventure, because, I mean, I had to fight the French government. I had to start all over again here, had to create a business, create a foundation.

All that was not easy. And there was also the scientific adventure to start bringing those products here. There is the conundrum of the support of so many people who have helped me. I mean, those who have given me the powder to begin with just because they trusted my father. I felt so many love and support that I just could not fail.

I, just for them, I, it was not an option.

Victor Dwyer: Yeah. And that’s amazing. 

The Beljanski Foundation: Continuing the Fight Against Cancer

Victor Dwyer: Can you share a little bit about your core mission and goals of the Beljanski Foundation a little bit? You talked about it briefly. What is your overall goal for the Beljanski Foundation? 

Sylvie Beljanski: Well, we continue the research with natural compounds to fight cancer and other chronic diseases.

And we do not have a lab, so we are doing that by creating partnerships with academic institutions. We have, over the years, we have been able to work with Columbia University, with Kansas University Medical Center. We had clinical trial at Cancer Treatment Centers of America. So, we work with reputable institutions.

Everything is published. Every research program we have had has led to actually very good results, very positive results, which have been published. All the publications are available on the website of the foundation, And on top of that, we organize educational events on a regular basis. To explain what we are doing, explain the research and share this knowledge.

Victor Dwyer: I love that. Like, what makes the natural extracts chosen by the Beljanski Foundation for research programs unique? What makes those natural extracts unique? 

Sylvie Beljanski: They are effective and non toxic. They are selective in their action, meaning able to recognize the cells whose DNA has been destabilized by inner or outer toxins and block selectively the duplication of those cells.

The selectivity of action means there is no toxicity to healthy cells. If the DNA is not destabilized, the plant extracts are not going to be attracted. to those cells, you are going to eliminate the product in a matter of hours. So no toxicity, no side effects. That’s a big difference with chemotherapy or radiotherapy because those therapies are not selective.

They are destroying, of course, cancer cells, and that’s a good thing, but they are also destroying a lot of healthy cells, especially in the case of chemotherapy, a lot of blood cells, and that’s why people have complications. And also, what is not very important to say, is that radiotherapy, chemotherapy, [00:12:00] do not destroy cancer stem cells.

Cancer stem cells are those cells which are young, undifferentiated, very aggressive, and have the power to, at some point, become a new cancer cell of, you know, liver, prostate, pancreas. Thank you. breast whatever. At the stage of cancer stem cells, they are undifferentiated. They are like embryonic. And the chemotherapy is not destroying them.

So the doctor is saying, Oh, you are doing very well. He says a tumor is shrinking. Actually it is a mature cells, the less aggressive cells, which are being destroyed and the embryonic cells, they are left and they are able at some point to wake up and to create a new tumor. And that’s called the metastasis of the relapse of the cancer.

And that’s very why it is so important to find some molecule able to address cancer stem cells. And it turns out that the research that we have done during the past 20 years with the Beljanski Foundation has shown that some of the extracts we have been working with, like Pao Pereira, Rauwolfia Vomitoria, are able to address cancer cells, different kind of cancer cells at different stages of cancer from inflammation to full blown cancer to advanced cancer, which does not respond anymore to Hormonal Therapy for example, and all the stages, our little plant extract actively, selectively, and actively efficient at destroying those cancerous cells.

So, the last, you know, thing was, it is going to work also on cancerous stem cells, where everything else is failing, and there are a team of researchers all around the world who are looking for a solution. So we worked with Kansas University Medical Center on this project and we first sent some Pao Pereira and rauwolfia to work on, to look at the, there was some effect on ovarian cancer stem cells and in vitro first and it was working.

So everything was destroyed in a matter of hours. It’s wonderful. Let’s see if we have been lucky. Let’s try on pancreatic cancer stem cells. And it worked also. So we went on to look at what would happen in animals in beaver, and we did again, you know, on mice. And that led also, it worked, and that led to a beautiful, three beautiful publications on Pao Pereira, rauwolfia, vomeron, pancreatic cancer stem cells, and rauwolfia , and ovarian cancer stem cells.

So now we have embarked on a new program on breast cancer stem cells, which is really a big one when you know that, I mean, so many women are getting breast cancer. It is the first kind of cancer for women. It’s a leading cause of cancer is breast cancer. So, and one out of five or six is going to have a metastasis, a relapse.

So knowing that all of them are living in fear of getting a relapse. So, I mean, this is why it is so important to find a solution. And if it can be a natural, non toxic solution, I mean, it’s even better. So, we are working at Kansas University Medical Center on that program. Just been funded, just started.

And I hope that a year from now, we’ll have again a beautiful publication to share. Yeah. Definitely. 

Understanding Cancer Stem Cells and Their Resistance

Victor Dwyer: And can you go into a little bit more detail about the difference between normal cancer cells and cancer stem cells? You talked about a little bit, but can you decipher really what the differences between the two are?

Sylvie Beljanski: So there is normal cancer cells, I maybe, I was not, did not use the right word. That there is mature cancer cells and embryonic cancer cells. Got it. The mature cancer cells, lung. cancer cells, for example, or an ovarian cancer cells, an embryonic cancer cell is as a power to become one day lung cancer cells or a breast cancer cells or ovarian cancer cells.

It’s undifferentiated like the embryo. at the beginning in the uterus. I mean, there are some cells, but they are undifferentiated. They will grow and evolve eventually in a matter of weeks, months into an arm, a foot, an eye, but they are at the beginning. The very first ones are undifferentiated, and there are some cancer cells are exactly like healthy cells, except they are cancerous.

So they start as baby cells, embryonic cells, which are undifferentiated and have the power to become one day. This kind of cancer, of that kind of cancer, they have also the power to resist chemotherapy and radiotherapy. So that’s why that makes them so dangerous and because their future is totally unpredictable.

Victor Dwyer: And  what makes the cancer stem cells resistant to the chemotherapy versus the other cancer cells, the mature ones? So the 

Sylvie Beljanski: So the mature ones are destroyed by chemotherapy. That’s the goal of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is destroying cancerous cells. That’s why you give chemotherapy to cancer patients.

Unfortunately, chemotherapy is destroying cancer cells, but not cancer stem cells. And beyond the cancer cells, it’s also destroying a number of healthy cells. So that’s why you have side effects of chemotherapy. 

Victor Dwyer: Yeah, and that makes sense.

I guess my next question is what is the next thing that you recommend for these people that are, when they do have cancer, do you recommend all the patients to take these natural extracts to possibly not have these cancer stem cells that pop up?

What is your recommendation? 

Sylvie Beljanski: I do recommend to see a doctor. I mean, this is, cancer is a very serious disease and should not be auto medicated. If you are interested in natural products and this is a world of possibilities, see a holistic doctor. Preferably a doctor who use a test like RGCC. RGCC is a test that allows you to know exactly what kind of product is going to target your cancer cells, personally, your own cancer cells, and destroy them.

So you are not going to waste time and money on therapies that are not going to work for you. But there are a number of holistic doctors who are using this. test. It’s a great test where there is only, I mean, some blood is sent to the lab and in the lab they are going to take your blood cells and test the cancerous cells that are in the, in the blood against a battery.

of products, and then they will tell you exactly what is effective at destroying your cancer cells. So I would recommend to anybody who is interested into that approach to look for a doctor who is using this test. They can contact us at the Belzhansky Foundation. We do have a short list of doctors that we can eventually recommend if you don’t.

If you are lost, you don’t know where to turn, and take it from there. Don’t do it yourself. It’s a very, cancer is a very serious disease that you just cannot wing it. Especially considering all the stress, all the questions, the fact that probably everybody in your family will have an advice. It’s an idea for what you shouldn’t do, what you should not do, what kind of protocol you should do.

Some will, people will tell you what you are not doing chemotherapy. You are crazy. You want to die tomorrow. Some people will tell you what you want to do chemotherapy. You want to put more poison in your veins. I mean, what is really, really important is to be comfortable with your choice of treatment. So choice of therapy that you are in on and be confident that you will feel better.

Victor Dwyer: And it’s such a hard choice to like what people go through when it comes down to making that choice of chemotherapy, not, in like all these other different therapies that are helpful to them. And is there any recommendation you have someone that’s going through those choices right now? 

Sylvie Beljanski: Well, at the end of my book, the last chapter of my book, I offer a number of questions to ask to your doctor to help you make the right choices. So that’s at the end. And also at the end of the book, there are a number of protocols, health protocols, which are, we have inherited at a foundation from Dr. Markovic, Christian Markovic, was a friend of my father. He, and he was one of the first doctors to use those plant extracts on his patients and he wrote down the, what he thought was the best protocols based on his practice. And I think that’s not a prescription, but it’s a good place to know where to start and start a conversation with your doctor. What also I think is important to know is that those plant extracts do work in synergy with chemotherapy.

This has been proven already at the time of my father with a number of chemotherapies that were old now have been retired by pharmaceutical companies. And now the synergy has also been documented with new chemotherapies like carboplatin or gemcitabine and that the work has been done by and published by Kansas University Medical Center. So those publications are available again on the website of the foundation. And they should be good discussion starter, conversation starter with your doctor. If the doctor says, no, do not take any herb, do not take anything during chemotherapy. Well, you can ask your doctor.

So when the synergy of action is documented, why not? And very often you will find that the doctor actually doesn’t want to mess with the stats, the stats of the chemotherapy. If you take something on the side, of course, it’s going to, to mess with the results. He’s not going to know what is working. Is it the chemotherapy, the treatment given at the hospital or is it what you are doing on the side and, but do you want to be a stat or do you want to get better? 

Victor Dwyer: Yeah, definitely. And are you able to add a little bit more details on the Beljanski foundation’s new research about specifically addressing the breast cancer cells? I think that would be really interesting details if you can share any more about that.

Sylvie Beljanski: Yeah, so we have seen very positive results already on breast cancer and the rovolfia extract, and also some green tea extract, a mix of green teas that my father identified, a number of green teas having some powerful anti cancer properties. I mean, I think all green teas are known for their anti cancer properties, but they are not equal, and some are better than others attacking cancer cells.

So, specifically tested a number of green teas, and we selected four. So, we made an extract of those four teas, and we compared, we sent that to Kansan University Medical Center, and they compared with Lipton, Kusmi, Bigelow, and it turned out that my father’s mix of teas that we called OnkoTea was much more efficient than the other teas at inhibiting, in vitro at least, the growth number of cancer cell lines, including bladder, we did colon, we did melanoma, and we did breast cancer, including metastatic breast cancer.

So what we are doing at Kansan University Medical Center, we have sent a mix of Pao Pereira, rauwolfia vomitoria, and green tea, and that’s a mix that they are going to test. against breast cancer stem cells. 

Victor Dwyer: Wow. That’s amazing. Is there any other details that you want to add on to that, that you think would be relevant for the audience?

Sylvie Beljanski: Well, after, I mean, ladies first, but as you understand now, I hope is that those plant extracts are not specific. to breast, ovarian, pancreatic, or prostate cancer. So, they do recognize the cells which are cancerous, wherever they are located, and whether you are a man, a woman, or an animal, it doesn’t matter.

I mean, a number of pet owners have given that also to their pets, and it works very well. So, the next step, I hope, if we see good results with breast cancer stem cells, is going to, we are going to look at prostate cancer stem cells. 

Victor Dwyer: Yeah, I know a lot of people affected with that. And when it comes down to chemotherapy, there’s so many people going through that right now.

Supporting the Immune System During Chemotherapy

Victor Dwyer: And what are some ways that people can support their immune system during chemotherapy?

Sylvie Beljanski: Well, actually, my father, again, found and, I mean, he created, he did not found, he created another product called made of little RNA from a bacterial source, a bacteria which is naturally present in the, in the colon, in the human colon.

And those little RNA fragments are specific. of the DNA of the bone marrow and the bone marrow create all the white blood cells and platelets. And the white blood cells are really the core of our immune system. They are what, you know, you have all the lymphocytes, the natural killer cells, all those cells with a specific function, which is all about fighting the invaders that could, you know, virus, microbe, and some bacteria, that could come into our system and make us sick. It is our white blood cells which are in charge of fighting back against those invaders. So, naturally, it all starts in the colon, in the gut, where we absorb a number of nutrients which are absorbed in the blood.

The blood goes to the bone marrow, and the bone marrow does its job which is to create those white blood cells and platelets. And my father found kind of shortcut saying, why don’t we give right away RNA fragments, of, to the bone marrow, so to feed the bone marrow faster and what we saw is that the bone marrow creates much faster than the white blood cells and platelets.

So white blood cells and platelets are destroyed, they are the, I mean the, unfortunately, they are the healthy cells destroyed by chemotherapy, but if you provide the bone marrow what it needs to create always and always and always new platelets and white blood cells, then you will compensate the destruction with a new generation, and we know that there is a new generation every 48 hours.

So if you give two to three times a week a little bit of those RNA fragments, you will allow the bone marrow always to create enough white blood cells and platelets so there will be no depletion due to chemotherapy. This depletion, when it becomes extreme, has a name, and it’s the name of a disease, it’s thrombocytopenia. That’s a loss of platelets.

Well, if you don’t have enough platelets, your blood is not going to clot. You are going to bruise. You are going to have hemorrhage. It’s going to not end well. What we have had at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America is clinical trial on people who had already several rounds of chemotherapy and they were at a very low level of platelets.

They did not have, technically, thrombocytopenia, but they were at the verge of getting thrombocytopenia. And when they start to get some of those RNA fragments, their, their platelets came back to almost normal, and at the end of the, none had to have, to stop their chemotherapy treatments, none of them developed thrombocytopenia.

And at the end of the study, bone marrow had been kind of protected.

Victor Dwyer: Wow.

Sylvie Beljanski: Was able to create by itself a decent number of platelets.

Victor Dwyer: Wow.

Sylvie Beljanski: The bone marrow has been nourished during chemotherapy thanks to the addition of the RNA fragments. 

Victor Dwyer: Wow. That’s amazing. That’s almost like a, a no brainer to take during chemotherapy.

It would seem like especially to get more of your immune system back. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Absolutely.

Victor Dwyer: Wow. That’s amazing. 

Sylvie’s Personal Journey and the Impact of Her Work

Victor Dwyer: Going back to your personal story a little bit, I want to go into a little bit about why you went from France to New York and describing a little bit about what made you want to do that a little bit.

Sylvie Beljanski: Oh, actually, that was before that was before the head of the laboratory.

I was already in New York. I’m a lawyer. I went to law school in France and was born in New York. My father got a fellowship in the 50s. My father got a fellowship to come for two years at NYU. He worked with a Nobel prize, Severo Ochoa, which was, you know, for him, it was the adventure of a lifetime. And when they arrived in New York, I was, they were already pregnant with me.

I mean, my mother came with my mom. Of course, I was in my mother’s.

Victor Dwyer: Yes.

Sylvie Beljanski: And, and so I was born in New York and, but at the end of the fellowship, they went back. So I was just a baby and I was raised in France. I went to law school in France and I was looking to get, you know, my first job after law school and there was a little advertisement at the, of the alumni saying that there was a New York law firm recruiting a French speaking lawyer for, to, to help with their French speaking clients.

And I wrote to say, Hey, I have an American passport and I have the French bar willing to come this summer to visit you. And that’s how I came to New York and I did not really like, so I actually hated the work at the law firm. And I was thinking of going back to Paris when I learned one, one morning that both of my parents have been arrested and that the laboratory has been raided and even my brother’s home. My brother had nothing to do with the research. My brother’s home was raided. And I knew that if I was going back to Paris, I would probably be put under surveillance or whatever. And so I said, I’m not going back.

And if I end up going back, how can I help? And that’s how I started first to, with the legal defense of my parents. And the more I knew about the case, the more it felt that there was something absolutely fishy, what the French government had done. And at some point I felt there was enough wrongdoing to go take the case to the European Court of Human Rights.

And we won! A unanimous decision against France at the European Court of Human Rights. Unfortunately, my father passed away before that conclusion. I did not see it, but I was absolutely outraged by what the French government had done. And at first I wanted to write a wrong. Maybe that’s, you know, my legal thing.

And very quickly it, I understood that what was the most important is to salvage this knowledge and share it. 

Victor Dwyer: Yeah. And I think that’s amazing. And is there anything else that we covered so far that you want to go into a little bit more depth? It could have been about the Beljanski Foundation. It could have been about your book.

It could have been about more stem cell research. Is there anything else that we talked about that you want to go a little bit more into? 

Sylvie Beljanski: The book has received a number of prizes and a number of amazing reviews. And that moves me a lot because it means that the book is, is useful. It makes a difference.

It is needed. Otherwise there would not be so many reactions to the book. It’s, I put a lot of, you know, thinking about the book. I wanted to provide all the knowledge, but I did not want the book to be boring. So many books about cancer are boring and depressing, or written by somebody who is, you know, telling you that they, they, they have been drinking green juices for, for months.

And finally, I mean, they survive and have, you know, I want to, to write something else. And it’s a mix of adventure, adventure, legal fight, research, and all that I think keep people going. And that’s why, there is at the end, they have learned a lot about the research, about the extracts and so on, but they have acquired this knowledge easily.

Without sound being put to sleep by too much research because it’s also an adventure.

Victor Dwyer: Yeah. And I will say on the book, you did a really good job of making it very almost relatable as well. Like I felt like I was really going through the journey with you and like, I know I bring up the Amazon rainforest, but that’s still like blows my mind away about like, and then like how the fact that I can’t even imagine what was going through your head when say, when you got the phone call that both of your parents are arrested.

Like I like, I like, I just, I don’t, like, I don’t even know how I would process that information. Like knowing my parents, I’d be like, what is going on?

Sylvie Beljanski: Yeah

Victor Dwyer: So it was just putting me in situations I would never really think to be in ever. And I just really enjoyed that aspect of the book as well.

Sylvie Beljanski: I do realize that I had, you know, it was kind of extraordinary journey, uh, even the journey itself, beyond the, knowledge of the extracts and the difference that can make in other people’s lives, the journey itself, I mean, worth sharing. 

Victor Dwyer: And that’s, we’re almost wrapping up.

Final Thoughts and Where to Find More Information

Victor Dwyer: Is there anything else that you want to mention when it comes down to the book? Or anything else you want to promote when it comes down to the book? Or anything else like that? 

Sylvie Beljanski: So, my book is Winning the War on Cancer. And it’s at Morgan James Publisher. And I also, we sell it on the website of the Maison Beljanski and the  Beljanski Foundation.

A hundred percent of my author’s proceeds are going to the Foundation for Cancer Research. I’ve given the copyright to the foundation. So I am not making any money from from the sales. It’s by buying the book, you are learning something for yourself, and you are also supporting cancer research with the  Beljanski Foundation.

Victor Dwyer: That’s amazing. And how can they find you, Sylvie, if anyone has any questions? Or anything else they want to find more about the information about the book. Where can they go?

Sylvie Beljanski: So there are several websites is, the Beljanski foundation. I already mentioned, B E L J A N S K I dot org. There is Maison Beljanski, also in, in one word, and there is my own website, Sylvie Beljanski dot com.

Victor Dwyer: Okay. Awesome. Awesome. Thank you so much, Sylvie, for joining today. That’s all we have time for. Thank you everyone for listening and we will catch you next time. Thank you guys. Thank you, Sylvie. 

Sylvie Beljanski: Thank you.

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